28. Confirmation

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"Is this what you always do here in your office so early in the morning?!"

As Namjoon turned to look who it was, he immediately released his hold of Seokjin and slightly bowed at the old man standing in front of Jin's desk.

"Atty. Lee, Sir. Good morning!"

"Dad?! What are you doing here?" Jin quickly fixed himself, wiping his eyes dry and straightened his dress shirt. He walked around the table and bowed to his dad before he led him to sit at the sofa.

"I can see that you enjoy the morning here with Atty. Kim, then come home to your ex-husband at your house at the end of the day. Don't you think you are being unfair to Atty. Kim?" Sookjae said, crossing his legs as he sits across Jin.

Jin sighed but chose to ignore his father's statements. "Would you like to have coffee or tea, dad?"

"No, thank you. I won't be long. Atty. Kim?"

"Yes, Sir?" Namjoon walked to sit beside Jin.

"Why do you let my son do this? What have we discussed?"

"Uhm, Sir, please don't get Jin wrong. He's not with him anymore. That's why we just reconciled before you came. Right baby?" Jin only gave Namjoon a blank stare. But the latter spoke again, "As to what we have discussed, Jin and I will still have to talk about moving to the states with Soohri-"

"Which I don't agree with, dad." Jin quickly said.

"Yes, Sir. Coz Jin is pregnant again. For me." Namjoon took Jin's hand and grinned at him.

"What- no.." Jin gasped at what Namjoon said, but his father caught his attention who quickly clapped his hands, laughing with joy and stood up to shake hands with Namjoon.

"Really! Well, congratulations Atty. Kim! Finally, a good news from you and Seokjin!" Sookjae pulled Namjoon as he walks towards the door. He pats his back hard which made Namjoon flinched a bit. But he smiled at the old man, happy to see his reaction.

"Thank you, Sir. I was afraid you wouldn't be pleased of Jin being pregnant again."

"Dad! I'm not pregnant for Namjoon--"

"It's fine, son. Don't be ashamed. Now, set aside the matter of moving to New York. That can wait. Discuss your wedding first. We'll hold a press conference at the annual shareholders meeting of KS Group of Associates next weekend. I will announce there about my son being my successor as CEO and Chairman when I retire next month, along with your wedding with Namjoon..

As for you, Atty. Kim, I expect a big diamond ring on my son's finger, hmm?" He turned to Namjoon and laughed again as he taps Namjoon and Jin's shoulders. "I have to go. I still have an appointment with Congressman Han."

Namjoon bowed at Sookjae, while Jin just remained standing, bewildered at what his father has said.

As soon as Sookjae left the office, Jin hit Namjoon on his arm with his hand, "Why did you say that?!! How dare you make a decision for me?! Do you want my father to hate me?!!"

"Are you actually hearing yourself, Jin? Your father will hate you more if you tell him your ex-husband knocked you off and left you alone again! You should be thanking me I'm willing to claim that baby as mine! Could you at least, for once, think about the consequences of what you're doing, not only to you, but also to Soohri, your parents, our company and their company?? Stop being selfish, Jin!! You're lucky enough I am sticking by your side despite you being ungrateful!!"

Namjoon, with his teeth gritted in anger, made his way out of Jin's office, leaving him crying at the middle of the room.

Jin pressed his lips to suppress his cries and covered his mouth as he slumped down into the couch, crying silently. Questions came raging to his head with everything that Namjoon said. His anxiety is getting the best of him again - his father's and Namjoon's voices in his head is giving him again the insecurities he has lived on over the years.

"A-am I really b-being selfish?!" Jin muttered softly while forcing himself to breath in and out deeply.


Taehyung, with Jimin clinging to his arm, walked into a genetics testing hospital, which surprised Jimin. He pulled on Taehyung's arm annoyingly, "What the hell are we doing here, Tae? You said you'll bring me to an OB?!"

"Let's just confirm please that this baby is mine." Taehyung said calmly.

"Are you saying you're doubting me?! And who else could the father be?? You're my boyfriend, Tae. This is yours!" Jimin said teary-eyed.

Taehyung squeezed Jimin's hand and sighed, "Jimin, I know you were going out with Jungkook too. You think he won't tell me about it?? Look, if it makes you feel any better, if the baby is mine, I promise to marry you. We'll live together as what you've always asked me."

"R-really?! You will marry me?" Jimin wiped his tears and smiled lightly.

"Yes, I will. If this result comes out positively as mine. Now if you're confident it's mine, then this should not bother you, right? Let's go."

Jimin nodded slowly but soon followed Taehyung who pulled his hand to head inside.

Taehyung suddenly stopped walking and turned to face Jimin again. He then kissed Jimin's forehead gently and whispered to his ear,

"But if it's not mine, I won't be seeing you anymore. And I don't want you going near me or Jin anymore, is that clear?"


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