27. Due Process

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Jin led Hobi to the kitchen as he brought with him Chinese takeaways for Jin to eat, "Eat up while it's still warm." Hobi said as they took their seats by the kitchen counter, opening the food containers for him.

"Thanks. Maybe later. I don't have an appetite yet." Jin said softly.

"You have to eat for you and your baby. Here-- or you want me to feed you?!"

Jin was a bit surprised that Hobi already knows that he's pregnant. But he thought maybe Taehyung has shared to him the news as they are always together at work.

Jin took a pair of chopsticks and started picking on the foods. A minute of silence has passed as Hobi only watches Jin eat. Then he took a pair of chopsticks too and joined Jin in eating.

But he started to speak after chewing for a while, "Just so you know, Taehyung called me and asked me to check on you and bring you some foods. He said he's sure you haven't eaten yet."

Jin paused and just stared at Hobi, "Really? Did he tell you that we broke up again?!"

"Yes. Coz Jimin is 'allegedly' pregnant too?!" Hobi rolled his eyes.

"What do you mean allegedly? He said he is. You think he's lying?!" Jin asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"You know that a person isn't guilty until he's proven guilty. Jin, we're lawyers, have you forgotten? We need to be rational before we make any conclusions. I know you've been really weird lately during court hearings, but I'm sure you're still a competent lawyer."

Jin sits up and straighten his slouched back, giving Hobi his full attention, "That wasn't me who was with you during those hearings. I mean- I wasn't myself those times. Anyways, as if you don't know that I'm the most stupid when it comes to dealing with Tae."

"Yeah, I figured. I'm just saying, you're blurting out decisions again while you're angry and hurt. Why not consider gathering evidences first?! For example, exhibit A - pregnancy test result; or exhibit B - paternity test maybe?! Then exhibit C - list of guys who fucked Jimin for the last three months. As we believe, the suspect is a whore!"

Jin sighed and shook his head at Hobi's arguments, then he said, "What if those evidences lead to him telling the truth?!"

"Then let's move to the next step. Let me put you to the stand for questioning, Jinnie. Do you love Taehyung?" Hobi raised his eyebrow.

"Y-yes, no doubt."

"You know at first, I am not in favor of you getting back with your ex-husband again. But the past months that you've been talking nonstop about how Taehyung's changed, that he's been all this and that.. I realized that he's good for you. Even better this time. Love is sweeter the second time around, right?! Now, tell me, do you want to be with him again?"

"Yeah, I do. But how?!"

"Follow up question then.. say, Jimin was telling the truth, are you willing to accept that Tae has a child outside of your relationship?"

"N-no. I don't know. I don't think I can, Hobi. It's really hard to accept it right now. All I would ever think about is him cheating on me." Jin said, pressing his lips together to keep himself from crying again.

"Well then, that's something I can't defend in court anymore. As you, yourself, seem to surrender already. I guess that's the end of the line for you. Just try to get thru it, I know you can. Cry now, but get up tomorrow, will you? Be the strong Jinnie that I know. For Soohri, and your baby here." Hobi caressed Jin's stomach and gave him a warm embrace.

Jin only let his tears out, not responding anymore. Hobi whispered to his head, "I'm just here for you.."


At Jin's law firm.

Jin has been keeping himself busy with all the papers scattered in front of him. He thought he could only get his mind off things by being preoccupied with more work.

Since it's only the start of the day, Hobi made a quick stop at Jin's office to give him the breakfast he bought at a nearby cafe.

"Hey, good morning Jinnie! Here, I brought you breakfast, with hot fresh milk from the cafe. Eat it while it's hot." Hobi smiled.

"Please don't tell me Tae has asked you again to do this?!" Jin sighed as he sit his back on the office chair.

Hobi walked to the center table and placed the bag of foods in there. He said, "Okay, I'm not telling you then. Hey, I have to go as I have an early meeting. Please do eat this. I'll be back later to check how much you've eaten as I need to make a report about it. See you later Jinnie!"

Hobi smiled and winked at Jin before heading out, which made Jin smile and shook his head. As soon as the door closed, Jin went back to reading the file folders on his desk. But then the door to his office opened wide again.

Jin chuckled as he looked up saying, "Okay Hobi, I will eat-- Oh, hello Atty. Kim. Good morning."

Namjoon smiled as he closed the door behind him, "Good morning Atty. Lee. I can see you are already very busy so early in the morning. This is the Atty. Jin that I knew. The past months you've been slacking at work, not sure why.. hmm, maybe too distracted with your ex-husband?"

"Namjoon, please don't start. What are you doing here?" Jin sighed and just poured his attention to the file folders on the desk.

"I know you have already eliminated our daily morning huddle, which I don't understand by the way. But you just got more aloof when we shared that kiss. Did I confuse you in any way?" Namjoon said in a soft tone, walking behind the desk to get closer to Jin.

Jin looked up at him and forced a smile, "That kiss shouldn't have happened, Joon. So no, you didn't confuse me at all."

"Really now? Is that why you've broken up with Taehyung-ssi again?"

Jin looked at Namjoon, surprised that he already knows. Before he can open his mouth, Namjoon already cut him off, "If you're wondering how I knew, let's just say Atty. Jung possesses a very loud voice when speaking with Atty. Min. And that's not the only thing I've heard.."

Hearing this, Jin only sighed and went back to reading his papers. He thought that Namjoon probably knows that he's pregnant too. But he whispered, "Please Joon, I am not in the mood right now to discuss that. It's still so early in the morning and I already felt so tired. Please don't add to my heavy chest right now. Can I at least ask you that?!"

Jin's eyes are getting blurry because of the tears forming in his eyes, but he's not looking at Namjoon at all, hoping he won't notice.

But Namjoon quickly took his hand and pulled him closer, his office chair slid closer to Namjoon who leaned down to face him.

"This is why I keep on telling you to just come to me." Namjoon wiped Jin's cheek for a tear that already fell. "You won't cry this much, I promise. And this-" He caressed Jin's abs gently, "this baby right here, we can tell your dad that it's mine. Then you shouldn't be worried by anything that he has to say anymore.."

Jin inhaled deeply as he recalls everything that has happened the past months with Taehyung. He then lets out his tears, not holding them back anymore. As he began to break down, Namjoon pulled him up for an embrace. Jin slowly rested his head on Namjoon's shoulder and whispered,

"I-- I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't b-be this emotional in f-front of you. But I just c-can't help it." Jin lifted his head and looked at Namjoon's eyes, "Namjoon, I--"

Jin was surprised by Namjoon suddenly capturing his lips for a kiss. His eyes widen as he gently pushed Namjoon away, but even before Jin can protest at what Namjoon did, they already heard the door shut closed and a voice saying,

"Is this what you always do here in your office so early in the morning?!"


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