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        The outside world is such an amazing place. People walked by me, oblivious to everything around them, going through their daily lives without taking a look around them. All they saw was the path ahead of them, and they lived outside of the moment, their minds focused on whatever task was ahead of them. Some had families. Some lived alone. Some were rich. Some were poor. Yet none lived for the moment. None seized the day. None saw the grasp of death inching toward them at each moment, waiting to take them when they are unprepared.

        It was warm, and the sun-rays beamed from the sky, shining through the trees and landing on the ground around me. A gust of light wind, northerly and brisk, kissed me in the face. The smell of ancient dirt wafted into my nose, with a hint of flowers and trees. It seemed like life was everywhere, and it reminded me of Janice. Her green eyes, her red hair, her beautiful laugh, her sparkling teeth...

        —"Anger rolled through molten, a storm I was. The electricity empowered me, And I was without some disastrous flaws. "No man was I," I thought, "A god I be!" No pain I felt for fair anger protect. Each hit, each blow, just added strength to me. To those I fought could try, but they're just wrecked. The roots I had were strong like a peach tree. Yet, he must be ephemeral sinew. And even he feel lonely to embrace. Anger, who be of none, Love be in you. Astray, Love's not, Anger to be disgrace. Final'ty, Love will permanently be. Anger should learn from Love, that's guarantee. What do you think?" I asked.

        "Interesting. What is it about?" a girl asked me.

        "You... you can't tell?" I asked.

        "I'm not really into poetry. Do you play any sports?" the girl asked.

        "Does competitive writing count?" I asked. The girl scoffed, rolled her eyes, and walked away. I watched her walk off, and hung my head.

        "It's about a storm within. The power anger has over a person. How it empowered the author, and made him feel power. When he was angry, he felt no physical pain. All those who tried to fight him, or those he pushed away, gave him more strength, and he became stubborn. His anger never lasted long though. When his power was gone, he felt alone. Anger brought nothing, but Love was within him deep inside. Love didn't lead him astray like his anger did. Love will always be permanent, and Anger needs to learn from the real power of Love," a voice said, coming up to me. I looked up, and there stood a young redhead girl.

        "Wonderful! You understood my sonnet!" I exclaimed.

        "You like Shakespeare? A little old and confusing for me. I'm more of a Robert Frost person," the girl said, sitting beside me.

        "Once you get past the weird language, his stories are quite interesting. I had to write that for my English class. The teacher wanted poetry, so I decided to go above and beyond," I said.

        "Why did you read it to Maria?" she asked me.

        "I was trying to impress her," I said bashfully.

        "Maria likes guys with power and confidence. You don't ask her for a date, you demand it," she said.

        "Thanks for the tip!" I said.

        "Well you would be clueless without it," she said, and gave me a playful shove.

        —I jolted my eyes open. The world around me came back into focus, and I could see that I had fallen to the ground. I sat up, and looked at my surroundings. I was in the same place that I had been in before, but now I recognized it. That tree, a few yards from me, I was just sitting there. And that building, I had gone to school there! I knew Maria! Why do I remember that name... wasn't that one of the names I told the doctor? I tried to think back to my sessions in the therapy room, but nothing came to mind.

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