Ignis Fatuus

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        I felt the warmth of sunlight hit my face as I lay in my bed. I could feel the individual rays pass through my blinds just to reach me. A good way to wake up in the morning if you asked me. I slowly opened my eyes. My covers were a mess, but I didn't mind. It was a beautiful morning. A cheerful song was playing on my radio. My cat lay peacefully on my chest, where the majority of the sunlight was. The smell of fresh bacon and pancakes hung in the air. Excitement jolted through my veins. We don't have a breakfast like this often! It really is going to be a perfect day!

        I picked up my cat, and lightly moved her off my chest. She let out a small meow, and I patted her till her eyes closed again. Then I rushed out of my room and into the kitchen where my parents were. My mom was at the stove, apron wrapped around her waist, her brown hair tightly knit in a bun, spatula in hand. Spots of batter were splattered upon her face and chest, but her smile was white and sparkling. She wasn't one for a mess, but she loved to cook, and never liked to follow a recipe. Her experimental attitude often led her to cause a mess. My father sat at the head of the table, holding a newspaper, his reading glasses hanging at the nook of his nose. He had black hair that was slowly fading, hints of gray hiding at the sides.

        "Wonderful news! Gas emissions have cut down tenfold due to mass production of machinery that uses renewable energy," my father exclaimed.

        "Wonderful indeed!" my mother said, flipping a pancake.

        "Morning!" I said, sitting beside my father.

        "How did you sleep?" my mother asked.

        "Pretty well!" I responded.

        "Good! Breakfast is almost ready. Would you go wake your brother?" she asked me.

        "Sure," I said, getting up from the table. I walked out of the kitchen, down the hall, and to his door. I stood outside, listening. Behind the door, I could hear the light breathing of my brother, along with the sound of his radio playing in the back.

        "...emostrates the ability to connect nerve endings causing memories to be relearned... Hudson Enterprises promises..." I heard the radio faintly say. The words felt familiar. I burst into the room.

        "Dude what the heck!?" my brother gasped, jerking upwards from his bed.

        "Walking on Sunshine! Yeah yeah!" a voice sang on the radio.

        "Sorry... I thought..." I stuttered, staring at the radio.

        "Is there a reason you burst into my room like a madman!?"

        "Uh... breakfast is almost ready..." I said.

        "Thanks. Now leave. Weirdo," he muttered, and I turned and walked out the room.

        "What's wrong?" my mother asked me when I returned to the kitchen.

        "Nothing... still a little groggy..." I said.

        "Nothing some breakfast can't fix!" she said, setting a plate down on the table. I sat down, and took a piece of bacon from the plate. The meat was crisp around the edges yet soft in the center. Just as I liked it. I took a big bite. The food was warm, and it felt as if all my confusion had left me. It was back to being a perfect day.

        "Better?" my mom asked with a smile.

        "Yes, thank you," I said, smiling back.

        "Of course! Now eat it while it's hot! And hurry too! Paige has been calling you all morning! Don't want to leave a lady waiting!" my mom said. The mention of her name made my heart race. I couldn't wait to see her! I scarfed down my food, then ran to my room, throwing on some simple clothing. I then put on some cologne, grabbed my phone and bookbag, and ran out the door.

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