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        A flash of lightning. Collisions of air and ice, a battle between the clouds and the ground. A dagger of white thrown to the ground. Thunder rumbled behind. It was a rolling sound, the drums of the sky. The arms with mallets of air, pounding the sound of anger. Then the blades of white once more, pure power jagged and intensified. The drums followed again, the arms raising higher and hitting the drums harder.

        "What!?!" the man bellowed. The room seemed to shake with his anger. The people around him quivered in fear. They shook in their skin. They didn't dare speak up, they didn't dare move.

        "Well... sir... your humble messenger is only relaying what he saw..." another man said, groveling at the first man's feet.

        "What did my wife do!?" the first glowered, his eyes flames.

        "She told her daughter to help one of your... mistresses... to have your child early. Then she told the same daughter to have a different... mistress... delay the birth of your other child to a later date..." the man stuttered.

        "My son, the one I had expected to be born on this day, isn't coming? And another shall take his place?" The man asked, his tone suddenly quiet.

        "Well y-yes... but this isn't b-bad news..."

        "Isn't bad news? I deemed my son, the one who would rightfully come first, to be the owner of all I control. I made an oath to the daughter of Eris, my own child, that the child of my own lineage would be in charge of all those around him when I step down."

        "The other boy is also of your lineage..."

        "He isn't who I chose! That boy isn't the one I had in mind!"

        "By your own words, he is deemed the successor... sir."

        "Bring forth my daughter, child of Eris. I have a feeling my wife put her up to this plot."

        "Perhaps if you didn't have so many mistresses you wouldn't be put in this situation," the messenger muttered, and walked from the room. Minutes later, the man came back in with a young woman. This woman had the air of someone who was mischievous, impulsive, and held the power of ruin behind her eyes. The thing that stood out on her the most was her red hair.

        "Yes father?" she asked.

        "Have you been conspiring against me? With my own wife?"

        "Why would you say that? I have been nothing but loyal to you!"

        "You delayed the birth of my chosen!"

        "I have done nothing like that..."

        "You made me take an oath!"

        "Yes, I remember that father."

        "I said that the first born of my lineage on this day shall inherit control of those around him."

        "I remember the terms of our agreement, father." 

        "My choice isn't to be born on this day! Another child is to take his place!"

        "Your point?"

        "When my wife suggested that I make this oath, all of us knew the child that was in our mind was my chosen one. Now I hear that another child of mine was born in his place!"

        "Father, I can't control how a woman has a child."

         "No, but the daughter of my wife and I, our pure child, knows a thing or two about childbirth. She could easily have made one child come faster, and delayed another."

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