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        "I am Hudson Graves Jr." I started.

        "That's not funny. My work is real, not a joke," she interrupted.

         "Look, I don't have time for your disbelief, I'm on the run right now, and I need you to get this information out," I retorted.

        "I'll listen, but I still don't believe you," she responded.

        "Look, I'm not as famous as my... my... f-father," I said, forcing the words out of my mouth.

         "Is that your reasoning for me not recognizing you?" she asked.

         "If that's what you want to believe. Anyways, a few months back or more, I went missing. I don't personally remember how, or why, but one day I woke up at Hudson Hospital with no memory whatsoever. A Doctor, Dr. Morton, told me who I was, and then proceeded to torture me for information and access to the Enterprise. I managed to escape, and ended up at the Servant's Headquarters, where we first met. I was nursed back to health by a girl named Paige, the one who had rushed you off the property. I was staying with her, and during this time, my mother, Maria Graves learned about my whereabouts.

        It turns out that she had ordered for the disappearance of my father and I. My father decided to bribe the killers to get away, leaving me alone. My bodyguard had risked his life to save me. He used a chemical on my body that put it into a death-like state. The chemical had a strange reaction with my bloodstream, causing my amnesia. She used my death to claim herself as the beneficiary to all the company's wealth, because my father was dying of cancer, and had left all the assets to myself instead of her.

        Anyways, when she learned where I was staying, she ordered another hit on me, and in the process killed Paige. I then was escorted to meet her, where she pretended she didn't know me. Her assistant forced me into the Cogitatus, trying to wipe my mind. I managed to escape, and came here. I need you to publish this information in order to send Maria Graves to prison, and for me to reclaim my assets," I said.

        "What happened to Hudson Graves Sr.? And how exactly are you sure your mother ordered your death?" she asked me.

        "Well I'm not sure what happened to my father. He may be on the lam, and if possible, I would also like to see him behind bars if you can manage to pull some strings. Or perhaps he is dead somewhere, his condition getting the best of him. As to Maria's scheming, I recently hired a private investigator who gathered all the information and let me know. They had no paper trail to these claims, only witnesses who I personally met and who told me what they knew. I then asked my investigator to find all the wrong doings that the Enterprise has done, which is here in this envelope," I said.

        "I would like to see proof of these witnesses," she said.

        "They also asked to be unnamed," I said.

        "Fine, I guess I'll take your word for it. Now I want to let you know, if I publish this, there is a possibility that the entire Enterprise's assets will be frozen and compensated to the customers. This will mean that you will most likely have nothing left, no assets of your own to claim," she said.

        "That is a risk I am willing to take," I said.

        "May I ask why? I never heard much about you, but what reason do you have to want to throw your entire life away? All your riches, all the luxury? It probably isn't good of me to ask this because this is the story of my LIFETIME, but at the same time, I want you to be sure about this," she said.

        "It was never mine to begin with. When I woke up without my memories, I had to wake up to a whole new world. I had to learn things again, and I got to see life at a new angle. I understood the value of hardwork. I understood what everyone else goes through. All the challenges, such as the pain of every waking moment, the sacrifices one has to make, the solitude of not having someone to guide you, I finally got to experience it all.

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