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        Hudson Graves. The name followed her everywhere. Hudson Graves, genius! Hudson Graves, the great philanthropist! Hudson Graves the modern innovator! Hudson Graves, moving the future to the present! All lies. Lies, she thought, lies! A handsome man, a kind man. A man who would love you, a man who respects you. Yeah right.

        "Maria! Coffee!" Hudson yelled back to her. She jumped, then clenched her teeth.

        "Oh we have Andrew the servant to do that, but no, get the wife to do it," she muttered, standing up from her lounge chair. It was a gift from Hudson, for their anniversary. Given a month late. With the tags still attached. She had stared at the price of the chair many times. A common housewife could buy the chair. Her WONDERFUL husband had gotten it for half the price.

        She went to the kitchen, and grabbed the cup from Andrew. She was half tempted to spit in the coffee, but she was sure that he wouldn't notice, nor care. He probably would find it attractive. He had a kink for strange things like that. She was sure that he had experimented with some of his mistresses, in his little oubliette that he claimed didn't exist. She walked into his office.

        "Finally. I have been waiting for FIVE GOD DAMN MINUTES! What kind of wife are you?" Hudson spat, yanking the cup from her hands.

        "Sorry sir," she stammered, bowing her head.

        "You damn well be sorry! Be glad it's still hot," he snapped, taking a sip of the coffee.

        "I hope you choke," she hissed under her breath. A knock sounded at the door.

        "Why don't you get that you frump," Hudson jabbed, and crossed his legs, placing his left on top, facing away from her. His personal signal for space. She went to the door.

        "Who is it?" she asked.

        "Brian and George Hooper!" a man said cheerfully.

        "Oh how wonderful! Come right in!" she exclaimed, opening the door. She slapped a fake smile on her face, alongside a warm demeanor and the idea of a house where a man and a woman loved and cared about each other.

        "Brian! My man! My friend! It has been such a long time!" Hudson gushed, jumping from his chair, and pulling Brian into a bear-hug.

        "Oh how are you, you sly dog!" Brian asked, messing up Hudson's hair.

        "You know, same old, same old, business as usual. Making the world a better place. Giving homes to children. The usual," Hudson said, flashing his charming smile. The man standing in the room at that moment was not her husband. The man in front of her was the one she had fallen in love with. The man in front of her was silly, goofy, and a great guy. The man in front of her was confident, and powerful. She just didn't know how powerful.

        "Speaking of children, George and I got our approval to become foster parents! We also have been contacted by a mother who loves our paperwork, and she wants to meet up with us and see how her boy, Pete, acts around us!" Brian said with excitement.

        "Congrats Brian! You are a crazy friend who has gotten me into more trouble than I can count on both hands, but I'm sure you will be a great father," Hudson teased, receiving a polite shove from Brian.

        "Thank you Mr. Graves! What about you and Maria? Any children in your future?" George asked.

        "Well..." she started to say, but Hudson cut her off.

        "Maria is a little... saggy and deflated, if you know what I mean. Making love was left all to her high school days," Hudson insinuated, pulling her to his side and forcing his lips onto hers.

Streams of ConsciousnessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora