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        I woke up earlier than usual. The light outside was narrowly on the horizon, as the night creatures began to retire for the day, and the morning roster began to caw his soldierly call. I opened the window beside the bed, and took a deep breath of the fresh air. The air was warm and friendly, singing a song of a beautiful day to come. Careful not to wake Paige, I slunk out the door and to the cafeteria. Today I thought I would bring her breakfast in bed.

        "Mornin' Brock! A little early today, innit?" one of the chefs asked me.

        "It is! Thought I'd bring my girlfriend some breakfast," I said. I could tell that I was giddy, and so could the chef, who returned my smile.

        "Fair enough. I'll make something a lil special," they said with a wink, then went into the kitchen. I sat at the counter, waiting while I heard different things clattering in the kitchen. After a few minutes, I could smell the food, and the chef came out with a tray to go.

        "Ere ya go! French toast, eggs, bacon, and a lil cinnamon bun, with syrup on the side," the chef said pointing to each item.

        "Thank you chef! You are a miracle worker!" I exclaimed, grabbing the tray. I then went over to the drink station, poured a glass of apple juice and a glass of orange juice, and placed them on the tray. After making sure I had everything, I went back up to her room. I opened the door as quietly as possible, tiptoed over to where she peacefully slept, and placed the tray on the bedside table.

        "Hey you! I brought breakfast," I whispered, slightly shaking her.

        "Good morning you... I had a wonderful night's sleep... Last night wasn't a dream, was it?" she asked me.

        "No, but it went as fast as one," I said with a laugh.

        "True... you do know how to treat a girl," she said sitting up.

        "Only for you," I said. We sat in silence for a moment.

        "I have a question," she stated.

        "What's up?" I asked.

        "What do you think makes a good relationship?"

         "Friendship." She looked at me curiously.

        "Why do you say that?"

        "Think of a relationship like a foundation. Friendship is the setting stone, the base. It is strong, and it is stable. You can build off of it something magnificent, something that can last a long time. If something does happen, and the building falls, once the dust clears, all that is left is the foundation."

        "...I never thought of it like that..."

         "Well, what do you think makes a good relationship?"

        "Equality. The man doesn't own the woman. The woman doesn't own the man. They both have equal power. They both talk things out, they both admit their own mistakes, et cetera. They work with each other, and that's how they move forward. If something happens, they both can move on."

        "I don't think I would have thought of it like that either..."

        "Perhaps with our relationship, we can incorporate a little of both."

        "Perhaps we can..." she said. We sat in silence for the rest of the morning. She ate her breakfast, and then it was time for work. I gave her a kiss, and it still felt like the first time again. The echo of the kiss was with me all the way back to my room. I took a shower, got dressed, and headed to the main desk. I received my key, and went to the shed.

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