Moments with the S.F.G 3

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Hey y'all, I know the "thing" with the altra man himself been a little out of hand but hey it's no ones fault, let's not get blaming on anyone but since it's has been bland and boring almost everywhere but I just thought why not get things shaking up again. Maybe I can create a book for this mini series. 

Idk, just a random thought but I think it's probably a good idea if you want me to do that then y'all can say something or not but anyways enjoy this part, and hopefully it brings up the mood. 


Fuse and glitch out part 2 

After the shaking rap battle between Gobglitch, Neon won and everything went back to normal. Then a strange portal came underneath them and sallow them. A one trip was a bit loopy to them, but then it stopped and they have now landed. Neon and Abby looked up and saw two Glitch! One was looking like it was all tired and hasn't got out of their pjs, and the other looked like a parent.  The two got up and saw Goby and Glitch split and back to their normal selfs. 

Neon:who are you two, and why do you look like Glitch?!

Tired Glitch:please don't yell, it hurts 

Parent Glitch:and two, we're just different versions of your Glitch 

Abby:are they gonna be okay? 

Parent:they're just unconscious,  but they're gonna be fine. For now we'll pick them up. 

The two different Glitches lifted one of their hands and strings of violent purple came out of nowhere and wrapped itself itseleves  all around their limbs and it looked like they were puppets. The group started to walk and Neon and Abby felt something watching them from behind but they decided to shrug it off. 

As they stumbled across a dome of papers and colors. It was no other than plant A.1 of the multiverse. The couple eyes widen by the sight then the parent version of Glitch stop in their tracks and turned around with a mad but annoyed face. 

Parent Glitch:come out right now you stalking rat 

With a speed of light, smoke came through the couple and now right in front of the parent version of Glitch. The smoke has now cleared and the person was a version of Goby but more down in the dumps, also had a cigarette in their hand.

Parent Glitch:how many times have I told you to stop stalking me and others!!

Other goby:oh you know I do it for fun doll~

Parent Glitch:don't speak to me like that!

Other goby:whatever mom

Parent Glitch:shut your dirty mouth

Neon:who in the funk are you?!

Parent Glitch:don't-

Negative Goby:heh, I'm am Goby but by universe name is Negative au Goby. And this is my Glitch,  a.k.a Negative Glitch.  The clean freak/the mother of the Negative S.F.G.

Abby:no wonder why she looks so mature and grown up. 

Neon:what's Negative me like?

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