Chapter 1 - Inner Thoughts

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Rosalie stared at Edward as she leaned against Emmett on the couch. She tried her best to keep her thoughts quiet so Edward wouldn't hear them. But they were strong. She hates Edward, but recently she has started to feel for him. Why the change? Why now? Rosalie couldn't help but admire the pale but dark man sitting only a few feet away from her. 

Edward enjoyed watching the news. He would sometimes reminisce about events that happened when he was a newborn and how the news then would be conveyed compared to today. It was something he found a little humorous. But no matter how much attention he was putting into the reporter on screen, he couldn't help but hear a faint, echoey voice. "Why am I feeling for him like this? I hate him, right?"

That was... weird. Where did it come from? He looked at Carlisle who was in the kitchen working on some papers for his clinic. No, not him. Edward looked at Emmett staring at the television. It wasn't him. Then he noticed Rosalie was staring at him. He locked eyes with her with a puzzled look on his face. "Shit." Rosalie's thoughts echoed. Edward flashed his eyebrows towards his nose to silently ask Rosalie if it was her. Rosalie looked away calmly, but on the inside, she was panicking. Her thoughts were going to get louder if she didn't calm down. She had to get out of the room to lower the tension. 

"Well, I need to shower; I smell like fresh garbage." Rosalie lied. Emmett shot her a confused look. "You showered this morning." he reminded her. "No that was yesterday." Rosalie retorted while walking to the stairwell. She ascended the stairs to avoid the conversation continuing. 

Emmett looked at Edward. He pointed to his ear, asking Edward to read Rosalie's mind. Edward listened closely. Rosalie stood in the bathroom getting undressed, her thoughts as silent as a grave. Edward shrugged his shoulders at Emmett. "She's quiet." he muttered. Carlisle glanced up from his papers to look at Edward. He squinted his eyes in thought. If there was one mind that was unreadable, it was Carlisle's. Edward hated that, especially now. Carlisle's tense face softened, and he returned to his papers. Edward now pondered what Carlisle was thinking instead of Rosalie.

That was good for her, because she was a mental nightmare. On the outside in the scalding hot shower, she appeared calm, but her mind was racing. "Shit, he heard me. How much did he hear? Does he know?" she thought. She tried to ease her mind by paying attention to the hot water slowly descending the beautiful mountain that was her naked body. The droplets forged their own path to find her feet where they would all converge into a puddle, doomed to go down the drain. Forge their own path, that sounded good to Rosalie, but she isn't a water droplet. No matter which path she chose there would be consequences. Maybe that's what the puddle signified. Rosalie pondered the idea of being a writer the way she was thinking.

Rosalie got out of the shower, dried her hair and wrapped the towel around her. If she was still human, she would've had a heart attack when she opened the door and walked right into Edward's body. Edward sneered at Rosalie's startled reaction. "Can't it wait?!" Rosalie vociferated. "Yeah, it can, but I would rather clear this up now," Edward antagonized. Rosalie felt her anxiety growing. Edward lowered himself to Rosalie's level. "Why were you staring at me?"

Rosalie fought the urge to widen her eyes. She panicked. "I just got lost in thought and stared into space in your direction." her thoughts said. Edward didn't believe her. He could tell she was lying but he didn't say anything else. Instead, he stood up straight and moved out of Rosalie's way. 

Edward took in the strong scent of Rosalie's shampoo as she walked by. On her way to her room, Edward noticed Rosalie's butt was sticking out from her towel she poorly wrapped. Edward stifled a laugh. Rosalie heard his laugh and turned around. "Something funny, Edward?" she asked demandingly. "No, it's just a bit windy up here." Edward laughed. Rosalie used her hand to feel her bare butt sticking out. "Oh my god!" she yelped. Edward laughed at Rosalie struggling to adjust her towel without losing it in front of him. "I'm so embarrassed!" she added. "Don't be. At least it's something to show off." Edward complimented. Rosalie smiled surprisingly. 

When Rosalie was out of sight, Edward questioned why he had said that. He doesn't feel for her like that. 

Carlisle walked up the stairs and joined Edward at the bathroom door. "I thought you said that you two would never happen?" Carlisle asked looking down the hallway. Edward glared at Carlisle. "It's staying that way." Edward replied defensively. Carlisle chuckled. "That's not what I feel." he said. "What?" Edward asked. "I can tell something is happening to both of you emotionally. It might just be curiosity." Carlisle implied. "Curiosity?" Edward mouthed. "Yeah, you two were so quick to turn each other down when I said you'd be a good match that you never contemplated what could be. Now you are and you don't know what to do about it." Carlisle exhorted. Edward shook his head. "Not me. That's her department." he muttered. Carlisle sighed. "Okay, if that's what you believe, she is the only one thinking about it. Just do one thing though," he started. "If this goes further-," Carlisle was cut off by Edward saying "If, which it won't." Carlisle put his hand up to quiet Edward. "If this goes further, you cannot let Emmett know. He will kill you."

Edward felt a sense of fear rise up his neck. But he didn't care, he almost guaranteed that he and Rosalie would never get together.


Rosalie had just put a shirt on when Carlisle knocked on her door. "Come in!" she called. Carlisle entered her room and closed the door. "We need to talk." Carlisle said. Rosalie knew what it was going to be about, she had heard him and Edward talking minutes before. "I don't know why I suddenly began eyeing him. A week ago, I hated the ground he walked on. Now he's almost all I can think about." she explained. Carlisle nodded. "I think that you should definitely look into it. Explore the things that attract you to him. When you find the answer, maybe it will be worth pursuing." he expounded. Rosalie didn't argue with the idea, but she did have one thing on her mind.

"Whenever we're not talking, I think about him, but when we do start talking, I can't stand him."

"That's because you two have rejected each other and fought for almost a century." Carlisle joked. Rosalie giggled a bit. "Find the answer and it'll make your decision with him that much smoother." Carlisle added. Rosalie nodded in agreement. "You know you're right. But I don't know how to find the answer." she replied. "Well, think of something, anything, that happened recently with you two that might attest to your feelings." Carlisle verbally guided. Carlisle patted Rosalie on the shoulder and exited the room. Almost instantly, Rosalie recalled something that had happened when she and Edward were out hunting. She quickly took out a notebook and pen and wrestled the fog out of her mind to remember that one particular moment with her and Edward.

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