Chapter 5 - Negotiations

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Forks in the fall was always a little off-putting to Edward. In the summer, rain fell and dampened the town and its surrounding forest. In winter, snow would often blanket the earth in a soft white that made you not want to go into it. Springtime was nice too; the rain would return and most of the big game would come back out of hibernation. But fall was usually just nature struggling to decide if it wanted to snow or rain, if it would be cold or warm, if a particular tree was going to turn that day or not. Edward didn't have a soft spot for fall. The thing that Edward hated most about fall was the leaves falling and sticking to his car's wet windshield. Since his Coven lived in the woods, he often had to go out with his dirtiest clothes and scrap them off. 

Rosalie could hear Edward complaining to himself about the leaves on his car early in the morning. Her, Edward, Carlisle and Esme were going to the reservation to settle another dispute Emmett had had with Paul the night prior. Rosalie was getting sick of Emmett and Paul fighting. Neither of them had nothing to prove. It was two big headed guys reaching for each other's throats. Whenever they would have an altercation, Carlisle usually has to go sort it out. He just brings Rosalie, Edward and Esme as backup in case something goes awry. 

Watching Edward with amusement, Rosalie snickered watching Edward's clothes get wet from the damp leaves. Edward looked up at the sky in frustration, then at the window where Rosalie stood. They locked eyes once again, but Rosalie kept her smile. Edward smirked at her before continuing.

Rosalie went outside to join Edward, feeling that the eye contact triggered a conversation. "Having fun?" Rosalie teased. Edward smiled and shook his head. "I will if you help me clean this stuff off." Edward replied. Rosalie looked down at her outfit. "Can't you see I'm all decked out? I don't want to get these clothes wet." Rosalie said. "I know," Edward said. "We're going to the reservation, not on a date."

"Are you asking me out, Edward Masen?" Rosalie joked. Edward hasn't heard his real surname mentioned in years, and the accomplished smile on Rosalie's face told him she wanted to get him going. Instead of getting upset and brushing her off, however, Edward hid a handful of leaves by his car out of Rosalie's vision. "No, I am not, Rosalie Hale." Edward tossed the leaves at Rosalie, hitting the ends of her hair. Rosalie looked at Edward angrily. "You got leaves in my hair!" she yelled. Edward laughed watching Rosalie storm back into the house to clean her hair. There was a lot of things Rosalie was, but what Edward enjoys most, is that she's gullible.


When the time came to leave, Carlisle told Esme to grab his car and bring it around. "Oh, we're taking your car?" Rosalie asked Carlisle while finishing up her freshly cleaned hair. "Nope. Esme and I are taking it." Carlisle replied non-chalantly. "Why can't Rosalie and I sit in the back?" Edward questioned. "The--- seats are dirty." Carlisle hesitated. Edward looked at Rosalie. He wasn't in the mood to argue with him. The meeting usually doesn't take long, anyways. 

Rosalie shook her head knowing what Carlisle was up to. She didn't want to talk to Edward after he had messed up her hair. She didn't even want to be in the same car as him. Hesitantly, Rosalie climbed into Edward's car, shooting Carlisle a dirty look before closing the door.

Following Carlisle in his respective car, Edward took notice of some leaves still stuck in Rosalie's hair. He chuckled to himself. "What?" Rosalie snapped. Edward reached over and took out the small bits of leaves. Rosalie looked down at her floorboard embarrassingly. Edward realized her quiet demeanor and red face. "I'm sorry." he declared. Rosalie's eyes moved up to the road gracefully. "I forgive you," she choked. "But if I was you, I'd watch my back. Revenge is coming."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you, Rosalie." Edward retorted. Rosalie curved one side of her lip into a soft smirk. "Could you call me 'Rose', from now on?" she asked. She usually didn't like it when people called her "Rose", only Emmett is really allowed to call her that, but she wanted Edward to refer to her as that name. "It would be an honour," Edward answered jestingly. "Rose."

Rose smiled brightly now, but that smile soon faded when Carlisle and Edward pulled onto the dirt road that led to Sam Uley's cabin. "Here we go." Edward muttered to himself. 

As the cars rounded a curb, Rose took in the way too familiar sight of Paul and the other members of the pack horsing around in nothing but their shorts and shoes. Sam was holding Emily close to her, with Leah Clearwater giving the couple a secret death stare.

When Sam noticed Carlisle's car, he let go of Emily and approached them. "Go have fun in the woods. Paul, you stay here." Sam's baritone voice instructed. The pack rushed into the woods, whooping and howling as humans until they were faint. "Got to have fun somehow, huh?" Carlisle joked with Sam as he got out of the car. Sam looked confused when he saw Edward and Rose step out of their car. Why couldn't they have just taken one car? Sam thought to himself. He turned his attention back to Carlisle with a serious expression. 

"You need to learn how to control Emmett more." Paul said. Rose twitched forward wanting to grab Paul and crush him, but Edward held her wrist to calm her down. "Sam, Paul," Carlisle started. "Once again I am forced to apologize to you two on behalf of Emmett. You know how he gets when there is a target on his mind."

Sam stepped forwards. "This is getting out of hand, Carlisle." he asserted. Carlisle nodded. "I know. I was hoping that our boys could stay away from our borders when hunting, just so they don't cross paths again." he proposed. Sam sighed. "I was going to say the same thing." he said. He pushed his index finger hard into Carlisle's chest. "If Emmett pisses Paul off again, I will not be responsible for what happens to him." he growled. Carlisle smirked. "I was going to say the same thing about Paul." he stated. Carlisle and Sam glared a fiery hole into one another with their fists clenched. Paul and Esme stared each other down. Edward clenched his fists, ready for a potential fight. 

"Down boy, down." Rose's thoughts echoed. Edward tapped Rose's fist. Fortunately for both sides, a familiar Black family member entered the cool fall air. Jacob. He ran over in between the opposing sides. "Sam, we have a truce with them, remember?" he asked. Sam hesitantly backed off. "Don't let Emmett cross onto our land, I'll make sure Paul doesn't cross onto yours." he muttered. Carlisle replied with an approving nod. 

Sam and Paul left to join the pack, leaving Jacob with the Coven. "I say let 'em fight." Jacob announced. "No one cares what you think, Dog." Rose spat. "High Rosie, long time no see." "Jacob." Carlisle cut off the exchange. After glaring at Jacob for a minute, Rose went back to Edward's car. 

The four vampires left the reservation in one piece once again. Even though Rose knew it wouldn't be the last time they would be there. After leaving the reservation, Edward started laughing to himself. "What's so funny?" Rose giggled. Edward looked at her. "Down boy, down!"

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