Chapter 2 - Reminiscence

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Rosalie sat in the tall pine tree awaiting her prey. She passed up a doe that crossed her path. It was too small to feed the family. Besides, Rosalie told herself to get something big since she was going to be with Edward, who always takes down the bigger game. She promised herself that she would out-kill Edward.

A heavy fog settled on the dense Washington pine forests. Rosalie resorted to her scent instead of sight for tracking. When the wind blew, Rosalie caught the scent of a bear. Pretty soon, her ears picked up the sound of one in the distance. She knelt down on the branch, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting animal. The silhouette of a big black bear emerged from the fog heading in Rosalie's direction. Rosalie smiled sinisterly. Before she jumped onto her prey, the shape of Edward rammed full speed into the bear.

The bear laid on the ground roaring in pain. Edward silenced it with a powerful kick to the head. "What the hell Edward?!" Rosalie shouted. Edward looked up just as Rosalie jumped out of her tree. Rosalie shoved Edward upon reaching him. "You asshole that was my kill!" she yelled. "The hell it was," Edward argued. "I've been tracking this thing for at least two miles!"

"There you go again always having to show off to everyone!" Rosalie argued. "I show off?" Edward questioned.

"Yes, you do!"

"I do not!"


"Rosalie it's not even about showing off, it's about feeding our clan." Edward defended himself. "Oh, shut up, Edward," Rosalie snapped. "You enjoy the praise Esme and Carlisle give you when you bring home a big kill."

Edward's eye contact with Rosalie broke suddenly and he began to stare at the ground. Rosalie quieted down when she realized Edward was thinking about something. "What?" she whispered. Edward abruptly shushed her. He could hear a voice. An echoey voice. "Two members of the Cullen Clan to die at my hands. I'll be legendary." the voice growled. "We got a rogue." Edward told Rosalie. Rosalie and Edward stood back-to-back preparing for the ambush.

A rogue is a vampire that doesn't obey the laws of the Volturi and lives an almost anarchist way of life. They have no clans, no friends and no family. They hunt other vampires to make a name for themselves and to encourage other vampires to join their "valiant" cause or die just like the others. However, rogues are almost impossible to control. Which is why thankfully there have been no rogue Covens. Unlike regular vampires, rogues have a specific ability given to them through the rogue that turned them. There's the Sprinter; a rogue who is incredibly fast, much faster than regular vampires and one that can deliver a fast hit. Then the Muscled; the most common rogue that makes Emmett look as weak as a human. The rarest rogue is the Psychic; a rogue who can predict the movements of their opponents in combat, making them the most dangerous. Rosalie and Edward have fought rogues in the past respectively, but never simultaneously.

Edward heard the slightest laugh emanate from the hill on his left. Rosalie sensed Edward's head turn and mirrored the action. Suddenly, the rogue rushed through the barrier that was Rosalie and Edward faster than any vampire the pair have seen. The force knocked them to the ground, sending shock waves coursing through their bodies. "We've got a Sprinter." Rosalie groaned. Edward and Rosalie kipped up just in time to narrowly miss the rogue trying for another pass. 

The rustling of leaves ceased after the sound of a whoosh filled the air. "It's in the trees." Edward whispered. The sun started to break through the dense fog. That was good and bad news for Edward and Rosalie. On one hand, it could clear up the tree line so they could see their attacker from their glisten, but that would also happen to them, making them easier to track. Edward heard a stifled laugh from above. That's when he realized his mistake. He was busy looking into the trees where he last saw the rogue, he wasn't looking around. Edward pushed Rosalie to the side before the rogue slammed into the spot she stood on. 

The rogue looked Edward in the eyes. His skin glistening more than Edward's. And his eyes were a crimson red instead of scarlet. His smile revealed a large set of fangs. They were bigger than most Edward has seen on a Sprinter. Larger fangs were more common than the Muscled. Edward became worried after he asked himself "Are rogues breeding?"

"Fresh meat." the rogue growled. "Not me. I've been dead for a century." Edward cracked. The rogue swung a quick fist at Edward. Fortunately, Edward dodged it, grabbed the rogue's arm and snapped it off. The familiar breaking sound was music to Edward's ears. He flung himself around only to be caught with the rogue's other fist. Edward fell to the ground in pain. The rogue lifted a large rock above his head with death in his eyes.

All of a sudden, Rosalie tackled the rogue off of Edward and soon they were in a tussle. Edward shot up from the ground to see the rogue had his hands in the reverse neck snap position on Rosalie. Rosalie knew it was over. In a split second, she would no longer be alive. She hadn't felt this way ever since the night Royce and his crew raped and beat her. "Rose!" Edward shouted. The rogue broke his concentration to look at Edward. Edward leaped at the rogue. In midair, Edward grabbed the rogue's head and twisted it off. The rogue's body hit the ground with a large thud, releasing Rosalie from his grip. When he landed, Edward threw the head into the forest. 

Edward looked at Rosalie who was leaning forward on her knees. Edward sensed what was wrong. When he approached her, he placed his hand on her back. "It's okay, Rosalie." he said. Rosalie pulled Edward in for a hug. Hesitantly, Edward wrapped his arms completely around Rosalie. She wasn't crying, but she was wearing the shock off. "I think that's the first time I ever called you 'Rose'." Edward joked to lighten the mood. Rosalie laughed. She pulled away from Edward, keeping his arms in her grasp. "Thank you." she expressed her gratitude. "We're family," Edward said. "We always protect our family."


When Rosalie stopped writing, she realized that Edward never thanked her for saving his life. She smiled with the thought that he meant to do that. "That's Edward." Rosalie whispered to herself. She set the notebook inside the drawer of her nearby desk.

Rosalie walked to her bed and flopped down onto it with a smile. Edward saved her life. That was the reason for her feelings. However, her joyous mood died when she picked up Emmett's scent from downstairs. Then she remembered Carlisle's words, "Find the answer and it'll make your decision with him that much smoother."

Was Edward really worth pursuing? He saved her life once. Emmett has saved her life countless times. Although, he never saved her when she thought death was guaranteed. "For once you're wrong Carlisle," Rosalie said to herself. "This made my decision a hell of a lot harder."

You're My Rose (Rosalie x Edward)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora