Chapter 9 - Suspicions

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Throughout the day after Rose and Edward's romantic night, Alice, Jasper, Esme and Carlisle picked up on signs that it had happened. Earlier in the morning, Carlisle caught Rose gliding her hand across Edward's back as he looked out the window in the uncommon sunny Washington day. Alice saw Edward exchange smiles with Rose at noon when she crossed his line of sight in his room. While Jasper and Edward were outside cleaning the cars, Jasper could see Rose blow Edward a kiss in the corner of his eye, which Edward caught with his hand.

Secretly, Rose and Edward yearned to be alone once again. The night previous was the most physical, intense and emotionally extravagant night they ever experienced. Whenever they were sure no one was watching, they would gift the other with a deep kiss before continuing on. While watching television with Esme and Emmett, Edward caressed Rose's foot that rested on his outer thigh as a desperate attempt at some form of contact. Their non-beating hearts ached to feel each other's touch once again. All they needed was an excuse to be alone, something to happen where the house would be emptied or an opening for them to sneak away together. 

Emmett was quiet ever since he returned from Bella's. Rose gave him dirty looks for delaying her plans with him. He couldn't even look her in the eyes. His mind was on Bella. He had begun his affair with her soon after Edward and her divorced. They had been fighting for a solid year after the encounter with the Volturi. Edward was tired of Bella's rebellious spirit. He wanted a girl who could walk beside him in one direction, not stop on the way to look at different trails they could go. Emmett comforted Bella and made sure Renesme was looked after whenever Jacob wasn't around to do it. Emmett began to feel a fondness for Bella. The feeling was mutual, and it culminated ironically on Edward's birthday. 


Alice sat in the study reading a book when Jasper knocked on the door. Alice smiled when she realized who it was. "Hey." she beamed. Jasper smirked. "Hey." he said walking in. Alice set her book down on its pages. "I need you to tell me something," Jasper started. "What's that?" Alice asked worriedly. Jasper never really asks her for something. And most of the time when he does, it's never good. "I need you to tell me if you saw Edward and Rose last night... together."

Alice sat back in her chair. She certainly did. It was one of her longest and most uncomfortable visions she's ever encountered. She personally didn't care if they were together, she just didn't need to see some of the things she saw. She answered Jasper's question with a nod. Jasper mirrored her as he looked out the window. "I knew it." he muttered. "What do you mean?" Alice questioned. Jasper looked at her with his eyes. "I saw them have a moment last week during the game." he explained. Alice saw it happen too. She didn't tell anyone since she didn't want to make it a big deal out of the situation. "What should we do?" she asked. Jasper shrugged. "I don't think we should tell the obvious person." he said. Alice remained blank. 

"Should we confront them about it?" she asked. Jasper shook his head. "I already confronted Edward about the game last week. If he doesn't want to do or say anything about it, then that's his problem." he expressed. Alice kissed Jasper to loosen his posture. "Don't worry," she started. "Let's stay out of it for now. If something happens where we need to interfere then we will. For now, though, let them enjoy themselves."

Jasper left Alice to her book quietly with a new sense of direction.

Later that day...

Edward stood out on the deck with his notebook in hand. He drew a beautiful picture of Rose with such detail, she looked like she was real and was made of granite. Carlisle slid the door open with confidence. He knew what his and Edward's next conversation was going to be. He patted his adopted son on the back. Edward failed to turn the notebook over in time. Carlisle stared at the drawing. "Not bad." he praised. "Thanks." Edward said through a tense jaw. Carlisle sighed in anticipation. "So was I right?" he asked. "No." Edward said just as Carlisle closed his mouth. 

Carlisle sighed once again. "When are you going to fess up to yourself that you're in love with her?" he interrogated. Edward didn't answer. He wanted to punch Carlisle, but at the same time, he wanted to come clean and tell him about last night. He didn't want Carlisle to be right once again. However, he didn't want to see him disappointed about him and Rose once again. His head was a warzone in the midst of a neck-and-neck battle. 

When Edward looked to see where Carlisle was, he was gone. Carlisle was tired of the lies and the half answers. He didn't want to deal with it until Edward could admit to the world. He knew that he had confessed to Rose privately, but he didn't want to admit it to others. It was sort of annoying, and Carlisle was just not into it today.

Meanwhile in Rose's room...

Esme sat on the bed beside a daydreaming Rose. The impact startled Rose from her deep thinking. "What is it?" she laughed. "Lemme give you a minute to catch the non-existent breath you lost." Esme giggled. Rose calmed down after a little laughing. 

"Okay," Esme said. "How was it?"

Rose studied Esme's accusing stare. "How was what?" Rose asked nervously. Esme lowered her head to emphasize her accusing smile. Rose's eyes went wide with shock and fear. "How did you find out?!" Rose whispered quietly. "Intuition, Rosalie, intuition." Esme beamed. Rose panicked. She didn't know if Esme had told anyone yet or said that she knew to Edward. "Please, please, please don't tell anyone." Rose begged. Esme put her hand on Rose's. "Relax. The only other person who knows to my knowledge is Carlise." she assured. 

Rose let out a relieving sigh. Esme still wanted her question answered, and Rose knew it. "To be honest, it was like we were flying." Rose answered the unrepeated question. Esme's grin grew bigger. "Flying?" she asked enthusiastically. Rose nodded. "It wasn't rough like when Emmett and I had sex. Edward made me feel like he was the only solid object I could cling onto." she explained gleefully. "That's not sex that you had then." Esme replied. The corners of Rose's eyebrows flinched into a frown. "You made love." Esme added. The thought didn't really come into Rose's mind that "sex" and "making love" were different in a way. Esme was right once again. Rose repeated the two words over in her head like a broken record player that was left playing in an abandoned building. She looked back at Esme before replying, "Thanks... Mom."

Esme smiled and placed a kiss on Rose's forehead. She walked to the door before stopping. "Your secret's safe with me." she said before exiting the room. Rose lay back on her bed with a smile brighter than the sun shining through the clouds outside. The memory of Edward's touch fueled her happy mood. She rolled over to face the window when she saw Edward outside in the sun. He stood beside his car gazing into the woods. His hair blew in the wind. His skin glistened like diamonds. But to Rose, Edward wasn't just a diamond, he was a gem.

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