Chapter 4 - Confrontation

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The television screen was the only glint of light coming from the Cullen house. Edward couldn't go hunting with the rest of the Coven. He was too busy thinking about the game. The only other person in the house was Rosalie, who had been trying desperately to get some sleep like she has for the past few years. She of course missed growing old, but she was also missing sleep. The incredible void into relaxation. A time for your body to unwind and relax. 

Edward wished she had gone with the others. He wanted time to think about what had happened earlier. The television was just background noise. There's nothing more dangerous than someone's thoughts echoing in an empty room. He used the television as a lifeline if he got too deep into thought. But it was really hard to concentrate on both. Edward has known Rosalie for a hundred years, and never once got the sudden urge to do what almost happened. Then her scent faded into existence in his memory. One thing about Rosalie, she always smelt as amazing as she looked. But this scent drove Edward insane. It would pop up every now and again in his mind. Lavender. That was the smell he picked up. And it was an amazing smell. A smell he never thought he would enjoy.

Thudding footsteps descended the stairs. Rosalie stared at the back of Edward's head on the couch. She looked in the window reflection at his lit-up face. He was looking at the television, but his mind was in a completely different realm of focus. When the Coven were making their way back to the house yesterday, Edward had a hard time looking at Rosalie. After he had cracked his joke about a home run, he grew eerily silent. Rosalie knew he was regretting it in some way. But then again, maybe he wasn't. Maybe he was just confused about his emotions at the time. 

"Can we talk?" Rosalie asked innocently. Edward turned his head to the side to acknowledge Rosalie's presence. He sighed and nodded. Rosalie slowly walked to the couch. "Listen, about earlier," Rosalie said as she knee-to-knee with Edward on the couch. "If you are troubled by it, just tell me. I'll hear you out."

"There's nothing to really talk about." Edward hid behind a nervous laugh. Rosalie sighed. Edward broke his gaze from the television to look at her. She had that frustrated look on her face she gets sometimes. Edward moved his eyes to the floor. "It was just... odd. I wasn't expecting that to happen." he hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Neither was I to be honest." Rosalie replied. "Do you think that Carlisle had something to do with us being on the same team earlier?" Edward asked. Rosalie was surprised. Edward thought the same thing she did. "Yeah actually. I was surprised when you ended up being called last." she answered. "Yeah, usually he picks me right after Emmett." Edward explained. Rosalie narrowed her eyes in blank thought. 

The mention of Emmett killed Rosalie's somewhat happy mood. She still loved him, but she wanted Edward to be her main focus at the moment. "Any luck with your sleeping?" Edward asked. Rosalie shook her head. Edward laughed. "I'd've given up by now." he joked. Rosalie stuck her tongue out at him, to which both laughed together. Even though it still felt awkward, Edward found himself enjoying Rosalie's company for the first time in a long time.


Edward had just wrapped up cleaning his messy room when someone knocked on his door. It was Jasper. His arms were crossed, and he was thinking about what to say. "You are a man of strange feelings, Edward." he said. "What are you talking about?" Edward asked. Jasper stifled a laugh. "I saw you and Rosalie in the woods yesterday." he uttered. Edward bit his tongue. "Did you kiss her?" Jasper questioned like an F.B.I. agent. "Nothing happened." Edward defended himself. "I know," Jasper smiled. "I was just teasing. I would have felt your emotions skyrocket faster than they were beforehand."

"What do you mean?" Edward kept asking. "I felt your emotions when you and her were in the woods." Jasper explained. "What was I feeling?" Edward called Jasper's bluff. There was a hint of anger and frustration in his tone. "Too many emotions to tell." he replied. His grin faded into a blank and serious stare. "Do you love her?" he asked. "No." Edward snapped without thinking. Jasper paused. "That's not what she was feeling." he thought. "What was she feeling?" Edward asked. Jasper snapped to attention, forgetting that Edward reads minds. 

"While your emotions were as messy as this room," Jasper began. "Rosalie felt all the joyous emotions you feel when you're in love. Happiness, security, passion."

Edward sighed. "I don't know why she feels for me, but she does." he said. "And that's the thing. Rosalie has her feelings figured out. It'll be easier for all three of you when you decide what your feelings are." Jasper explained. Edward picked up on a word Jasper said in his last sentence. "Three?"

Jasper answered his question with a silent stare. "Emmett." Edward whispered. Jasper nodded before quietly exiting the room. Edward thought back to his emotions the previous day when he was with Rosalie. He felt strangely happy. But then Emmett popped into his mind. And for the first time ever, Edward, a vampire, nature's perfect killer, felt a very cold and human chill crawl up his spine.

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