Chapter 16 - Final Battle

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Despite the tension that still lingered in the ranks of the alliance, they all stood equally as nervous when the sun stretched above the tree line. Everyone held each other shoulder-to-shoulder. They planned on dying today.

Edward leaned down to Rose's ear. "If we live, I plan on marrying you someday. I just want to know if you feel the same." he whispered. Rose answered his question with a passionate kiss. "Of course, I'll marry you." she added. Their hands intertwined at their sides gently. However with each passing second, their grip grew tighter and tighter.

It didn't take long to see slight movement in the woods. Arleos crouched down facing the alliance. He instructed his army to circle around the alliance while he would go and try to make this fight a little easier. He wasn't interested in the other Covens, he wanted the Cullens heads. He wanted to try and get them to accept their fate. He could see Carlisle standing tall among the alliance. He reflected on the time he encountered him in England. Carlisle knew that Arleos was a rogue, and yet he conversed with him like he was his best friend. 

Carlisle could see the small glint of red hair shining in the sunlight. "Arleos!" he called. Arleos hesitated to step out. He stepped into the snow-covered field with his gaze solely fixated on Carlisle. Each crunching step he took made Arleos feel more and more confident. They weren't attacking, they weren't snarling or growling. They let him take his time. Arleos stopped a few feet away from Carlisle. He made sure to keep out of arms reach of all members of the alliance. 

"It's been a long time, my friend." Carlisle greeted Arleos with a smile. Arleos felt intimidated by Carlisle. "You know what I'm here for Carlisle," Arleos snapped. "You and the rest of the Olympians kneel down and accept your fate."

Edward picked at Arleos' mind. He was nervous and beyond. He kept his shaking inside him, creating an earthquake inside his mind. 

Carlisle's smile had faded. He was eager to keep Arleos talking. "Why didn't you join me Arleos," he asked. Arleos kept quiet. Rose stepped slightly away from Edward in anticipation. "Yeah, you were a rogue, but I saw something in you that could've made you a valuable member of this family."

Arleos bowed his head. The army surrounding the field watched on quietly. Kate could see Arleos' forces gearing up for an attack. "Look." she whispered behind Rose. Rose stared fearfully at the sheer size of the army. Rose felt Kate take her free hand, trapping her with herself and Edward. As Kate and Rose looked around, Arleos picked his head back up to answer Carlisle's question. His lips curled into a sadistic smile. "Glory."

Arleos leapt at Carlisle and Esme. He took Carlisle down with a swift tackle and they began a struggle for control. The army had reached the alliance before most of them could attack. The sounds of shouting and glass breaking echoed into the bright sky. The vampires' skin sparkling in the sunlight was enough to blind a human. 

Edward and Jasper fought back-to-back against the seemingly never-ending onslaught of rogues. It was tough to kill them within seconds of each other, but they were able to start a pattern of hunter-killer. 

Carlisle lost Arleos in the struggle to being toppled over by some rogues. Arleos looked around at his depleting army. The Sprinters and Psychics were being massacred. His Muscled were dropping like flies. The alliance was tougher than he thought they would be. Carlisle whistled, signaling for the wolves to charge out from their hiding spots. Arleos watched in horror as the same wolves he saw a few days earlier came from all directions. Jacob, Sam and Paul fought through the more crowded sector of the battle. Leah and Seth ripped apart rogues that were more waiting to enter the fight than the ones that were already fighting. 

An earth-shattering hit from Garrett sent Arleos to the ground. The snow camouflaged its coldness on Arleos' skin. He stood to attention. If only they had known each other's human careers, Garrett wouldn't have waited for Arleos to get up. Arleos used his strength to slam into Garrett. Garrett slid in the snow out of the crowd. Arleos followed the skid marks to where Garrett lay. Garrett tried to defend a punch from Arleos, but Arleos held his fists together in a painful spot under his boot. Kate had killed to Muscled with Rose and Alice when she turned around and caught Arleos stomping Garrett's head in with his free boot. Kate felt herself go numb. Her body ached and her mind was clouded with an incoherent rage.

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