Chapter 29

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Several weeks later, Isaac found himself back at his childhood home in Buffalo for Spring Break. The change in environment was a welcome one, as he'd been itching to return home for some time now. His time away from New York University had been quiet, as his parents and Laura all had to work despite him being home on break. So, he spent most of the time home alone. It became lonely at times, but Isaac knew better than to complain. Spending Spring Break alone at home was much better than spending it alone at his New York City apartment.

It was early Tuesday afternoon when Isaac decided to reach out to Lexi. They hadn't spoken since he'd texted her goodbye prior to leaving for Buffalo this past weekend. Needless to say, he was more than eager to chat with her again. He shot her a text as he chilled out on the living room couch.

Isaac: Hey, how's it goin?

With his stomach suddenly rumbling, he promptly left the living room for the kitchen. He then made himself a quick lunch of a toasted plain bagel with cream cheese. He sat back down in the living room to enjoy it while scrolling through social media. It wasn't until about a half-hour later that he received a reply. He polished off lunch as he read his girlfriend's newest text.

Lexi: Hey, babe! Sorry, I just got off work and saw your text now. I'm good, you?

Isaac: It's all good. I'm fine, just chillin at home.

Lexi: lol sounds nice. How's the family?

Isaac: Everyone's doing really well. Tbh I wanted you to come down and join us for a nice family dinner at some point.

Lexi: Aww, that would've been nice! I would love to come.

Isaac: I agree and appreciate it, but my parents are too busy with work rn. They're both working so much overtime that they don't have time for you to come over and visit. I'm sorry about that.

Lexi: It's okay, babe! That totally makes sense. I would never wanna stress them out if it's not needed. Hope that makes sense lol.

Isaac: It does. Thank you for being so understanding.

Lexi: Of course! Besides, I'll probably see them when you move out of your place next month.

Isaac: True. I forgot about that lmao

Lexi: It's ok! I miss you btw

Isaac: I miss you too. Wait til school ends and you have to go back to Cali.

Lexi: Ugh, please don't remind me. I miss my parents, but not being able to see you as much is gonna suck.

Isaac: It really will.

Lexi: I know we're both pretty busy with school, but we should try to go on a few dates before the semester ends.

Isaac: Yeah, we should try to spend as much time together as possible until we have to move out of our places.

Lexi: I love that idea.

Isaac: What else are you doing today?

Lexi: I have a paper I need to finish, and then I'm gonna do some writing too. You?

Isaac: Idk yet. I should work on a couple assignments. Maybe I will.

Lexi: You should.

Isaac: lol whatever you say.

Lexi: Seriously, you'll thank yourself for doing it now instead of later!

Isaac: Yeah, you're right.

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