A Task With Vampires

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Bloom then looks back at Steve, confusion in his eyes.

"You want me to join this task?" Bloom asked, pointing his finger at himself.

"Yup." Steve said.

"Why though? I'm a vampire that cannot go out of shade without dying!" Bloom said.

"Otis requested for it. Besides, we can just give you a cloak to cover your head with." Steve said. Bloom stares at him before sighing.

"Alright, fine."

"That's great. Well, let me fetch you a cloak real quick and then you can be on your way!" Steve said before running off. Bloom and Jerry stared as he disappears into the building.

"Well, at least we don't have to worry about staying under this tree for the moment!" Jerry said ecstatically.

"Yeah. Though, you do know you have a Panama hat yet you still choose not to use it during daytime." Bloom said.

"I know. It's just that nothing has been happening for 3 years so I don't see the purpose of permanently wearing a hat unless if it's important." Jerry said.

"Well, it is important now that we have a task to do." Bloom said.

"Right, right." Jerry said before pulling out his Panama hat from his bag and putting it over his head. Steve then arrives, holding a pretty silk blue cloak.

"Here you go!" Steve said as he passed Bloom the cloak.

"That was quite quick." Bloom said as he took the cloak and wore it.

"Doesn't matter how fast I get it now get to the departure gates." Steve said. Jerry and Bloom both nodded and ran to the departure gates. Steve stares at them before continuing to walk, sorting through his task bag.

Jerry and Bloom then reach the departure gates, where their team was waiting. Cory notices them first and waves at them.

"Well, there ya are! We've been waitin'." Hooper said.

"Sorry, I had to wait for Steve to get Bloom a cloak." Jerry said.

"It's alright. For now, get ready." Triana said. Jerry nods as he looks at Winterhoof, who was covered with horse armour over a large cloth protecting her from sunlight. He walks over to her and gets onto her back gently.

"Hey, what about Bloom's horse?" Cory asked. Hooper looks at him before chuckling.

"Cory, have ya forgotten 'bout Bloom's ability?" Hooper asked.

"Oh, right! I forgot." Cory said. Bloom, on the other hand, began to form his fire wings. After that, he took off into the sky where he was not too far but also not too near.

"Alright, looks like everyone 'ere is ready. Giddy up!" Hooper said and then all their horses took off running. However, this time they were taking a different path. The pathway was nearing a forest quite similar to the one they took 3 years ago. However, as they continued their long travel on horse, the leaves around them slowly faded to a golden hue.

"Woah! These leaves look like they're made of gold!" Cory said as he looked around in amazement. Jerry, too, was fascinated by the leaves.

"They don't call it 'Golden Leaf' for nothing!" Bloom yelled out to them. Cory looks up at Bloom.

"You were here before?!" Cory yelled back.

"Yes! It's quite pleasant to look at but the leaves are thick to see through. Even my fire can barely burn through it!" Bloom yelled back again.

"Woah, it sure is amazing, huh?" Cory asked. However, the day wasn't forever. The night was now creeping near so, the group made a pitch stop at the side of the path that goes up a tall yet steel mountain to set up camp. Not long after, the camp was finished. Hooper was helping Triana prepare the food while Jerry and Bloom were away to hunt for animals to drink their blood. Cory was underneath a tree, staring at the barely visible night sky. Just then someone passes him a bowl of stew. Cory looks at the hander, who was Hooper.

The Firebrace Vampire: BloodRage {NSP x Vampirism Mod}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz