Helping Out

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A Week Later...

It was a cloudy day. Cases of advanced vampires going crazy seemed to have slowed down for the moment, which made it a nice break for the advanced hunters and both Bloom and Jerry. Jerry was just having a leisure stroll around alone since Bloom was asleep inside the closet and tired out from helping 3 advanced vampires get back to normal.

"It's great to have another stroll after saving all those advanced vampires." Jerry told himself. Just then, Iris comes up towards him.

"Hey, Jerry!" Iris greeted.

"Oh, hello Iris!" Jerry greeted.

"I haven't talked to you in soooo long! How are you doing?" She asked.

"Oh, I'm doing quite well, thanks for asking! How about you?"

"I've been doing great! But, there's a slight problem I recently have." Iris said.

"What's the problem?" He asked.

"Welllllll I kinda lost something very important and I was wondering if you can help me find it?" Iris asked.

"Sure, why not? What does it look like?" Jerry asked.

"Well, it's a pendant with a heart on it. I can't seem to find it anywhere in my home I mean-" She turns around as she began to explain what happened. While Jerry listened, he noticed something stuck inside Iris' hair. He squinted his eyes and there, right there, was the pendant Iris was talking about.

"Er, Iris." Jerry said but Iris kept on rambling.

"Iris." Jerry said but a bit louder. Iris looks at Jerry.

"Yeah?" She asked, turning around.

"Uh, you know the pendant you were talking about, right?" Jerry asked.


"Yeah uh, it's stuck in your hair." Jerry pointed out. Iris stared at her before grabbing her hair and looking at it.

"Where? I don't see it..." Iris said as she looked.

"It's on the back of your hair." Jerry said.

"Oh, it is?" Iris asked before touching the back of her hair and pulling out the pendant. She stares at it.

"Ohhhhhhhh! That's where it went! Well, thanks, Jerry!" Iris said.

"Your welcome Iris. Just don't lose your stuff in your hair next time." Jerry said.

"Will do!" Iris said before walking away. Jerry stares at her before sighing and continuing his stroll. As he walked, he began to stare at the clouds, starting to become mesmerised before beginning to zone out completely and not know where he was going. Suddenly, he felt someone bump into him, which caused Jerry to break out of his zoning out and almost fall. The person that bumped into him, however, fell over. He looks down and sees Dave, slowly getting up and picking up the packages he dropped.

"Oh no, I am so sorry! I wasn't looking at where I was going." Jerry said as he helped Dave pick up the packages. Dave had the expression of 'It's alright!' on his face as Jerry helped. After a while, they both finished picking up the packages.

"There you go! That's a lot of packages, though. Who is it for?" Jerry asked. Dave looks at him before shrugging. He took a package and passes it to Jerry for him to take a look. He looks and sees that it's for Alice Delarosa.

"Oh, I see! It's quite a lot, though. Do you need help?" Jerry asked. Dave stares at him before giving him a slight thumbs up and passes him some of the packages. They then began walking to Alice's house since that's where Dave was going.

The Firebrace Vampire: BloodRage {NSP x Vampirism Mod}Where stories live. Discover now