The Wyvern Vampire

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Obsidian looked at Triana as it stopped roaring before charging towards her, causing everyone to forcefully split up to avoid being trampled over.

"How the heck are we going to fight The Wyvern Vampire?!" Cory asked, frantic. Obsidian looks at Cory with a deep growl as he began to turn his attention to him before Triana stabs its wing, causing it to roar in pain.

"Oh, no you don't!" Traina yelled. The wyvern looks at Triana before some chains wrapped around his tail and causes it to burn, boiling his scales. He yelped before looking at his tail and seeing Hooper, holding onto the chains.

"I got ya, Tri!" Hooper yelled out to her. Obsidian's eyes narrowed before beginning to swing its tail around.

"Woah! Calm down, boy!" Hooper yelled but Obsidian wouldn't listen to him. It then flicked his tail, causing Hooper's entire body to hit Triana and both tumble to the ground. Cory looks at the two in shock before looking at Obsidian, anger in his singular eye.

"Oh, now you've done it you oversized lizard!" Cory said before pulling out his flintlock and charging at Obsidian whilst firing a few bullets at him. A few missed the mark but some managed to graze his scales. He kept on firing till his gun was almost out of ammo.

"Crap, I'm almost out of ammo!" Cory yelled.

"Go! We'll fight it!" Jerry yelled out to Cory. However, he couldn't flee to get more ammo, he could endanger the lives of his friends! But he has to think now, the wyvern's slowly starting to get closer to him. Without any choice, he ran. The wyvern chased after him, mouth wide open and revealing his sharp teeth. He can't make it in time, he knows it.

Suddenly, Bloom flies in, punching Obsidian, his fist ablaze. That caused him to almost topple over but he manages to stop his fall. He glares at Bloom, his crimson red eyes filled to the brim with anger and hatred. Without any warning, the wyvern began to flap his wings, which almost caused everyone in the area to fly off of the ground. Bloom was blocking the massive air currents from the dragon, trying to not get blown away. But alas, the wind was too strong and so, Bloom was blown away. Luckily, his flame wings weren't extinguished from the wind's currents so he was able to stabilize himself. Hooper was helping Triana up so they could rejoin the battle against Obsidian.

"Wow, that was quite strong." Bloom commented as he flew down to the ground, extinguishing his flame wings.

"How are we gonna fight him if we can only make a scratch on him?" Bloom asked.

"I dunno but think I'll need some help tryin' 'ta get my chains back!" Hooper told him as he stared at Obsidian. The chains were still on, sizzling away at Obsidian's scales.

"Will do!" Bloom said before relighting his flame wings and flying in front of Obsidian, which easily caught the wyvern's attention. He stares at Bloom as he flew around like an annoying fly before attempting to chomp onto Bloom, trying to get a hold of him so he can devour his flesh. While he was distracted, Hooper slowly made his way to the wyvern's tail, where his chains were still clinging onto. He then swiftly removed it from the tail.

"I got it!" Hooper yelled once he had gotten them free. Obsidian turned his head to look at Hooper, removing all attention from Bloom. Hooper was then swatted away from Obsidian by his tail, almost hitting Jerry. Jerry looks at Hooper then at Obsidian. He was staring right back at him with his crimson red eyes. Jerry then sighs as his grip on his axe tightens.

"Sorry about this, Obsidian." Jerry muttered before charging towards him. Obsidian roared before also running towards him, mouth wide open. Just as they were close, Jerry used his axe as a stepping stone, jumping over Obsidian's head. Obsidian looked up and attempted to bite at Jerry's legs. Luckily, Jerry's legs weren't bitten off and he safely lands onto Obsidians back. Obsidian roared as he attempts to shake off Jerry. However, he held on tightly to his back.

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