Marren's Eve, The City Of Harmony

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The horses soon slowed down to a trot before completely stopping as they now stood in front of the gates of Marren's Eve. The gates were wonderfully carved and made out of Bloody Spruce wood, reinforced with specially-casted Blood Infused Iron. Cory and Jerry stared up at the gates in amazement.

"Whoa, this looks even cooler! Heck, they even have Reinforced Blood Infused Iron! That's so cool!" Cory said as the group got off their horses and held on to their reins. Bloom soon lands on the ground.

"I know, right?" He said as his fire wings dissipated and he pulled off his hood. Jerry saw that happen and instinctively covered his head with his arms while Cory attempted to cover his head with the hood again. Bloom looked at them, confused while Hooper silently chuckled at their actions. Triana pressed the bridge of her nose lightly and shook her head with a tinge of disappointment.

"Uh...guys, what are you two doing?" Bloom asked as he stared at them, perplexed

"What else? You're going to burn from the sun!" Jerry said. Cory nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! Your skin is gonna boil and melt off from the sun's rays and turn into ashes! And...and...why aren't you burning?" Cory asked, now baffled. Jerry looked at him before looking at Bloom, who stared at them before laughing. The two stared at him before looking at each other.

"Oh, you two! There's no burning to worry about here! Look up there." Bloom said as he pointed up at the wall. Cory and Jerry look up at what he's pointing at, with Jerry still slightly covering Bloom's head. Way high up there, they see that it was one of the beacons the group saw earlier. It seemed to be cursed earth encased in glass, welded to a base akin to that of obsidian. It emitted a soft, ambient glow.

"...Wait, what?" Cory muttered, confused. Jerry stared at it before looking back at Bloom.

"Bloom, what even is that?" Jerry asked. Bloom chuckled as he lightly grabbed his arms and slowly moved them away from his head, his icy-blue eyes staring at him.

"Ask those two. I'm gonna go ask them to open the gates for us." Bloom said before moving his head, his eyes staring at Triana and Hooper. Jerry looks at the two while Bloom walks away to the gate. Hooper was still silently chuckling before noticing and immediately coughed a bit.

"Ahem, that beacon righ' up there is a Sunscreen Beacon." Hooper said. Jerry and Cory stared at him, not ever less confused.

"...A Sunscreen Beacon?" Jerry asked. Triana nodded.

"Mhm. It's a specially crafted beacon that prevents any vampires in its vicinity from getting burnt and turned into ashes. Although, I'm not so sure how they managed to do so. After all, it's extremely hard to craft. Perhaps near impossible." She explained. Cory stared while Jerry slowly pulled out his notebook and was writing in it silently. Cory thought for a bit before realising.

"Ohhh, it's because obsidian is hard to obtain, right?" Cory asked, pointing both of his pointer fingers at Triana as he gave a cheeky grin. Triana glared at him before sighing, shaking her head 'no'.

"No, Cory. Obsidian is easily gained by mixing lava and water. It's even used in crafting the village totem bases. You've learnt this already." Triana said. Cory stared at her, sheepishly grinning and chuckling nervously as he slowly lowered his pointer fingers.

"Hm, so how is it exceedingly impossible to craft?" He asked as he sketched the Sunscreen Beacon into his notebook.

"Well, because not many except very highly knowledgeable ones have managed to properly create such technology like this. Anyone who tried to do this without extensive knowledge failed miserably or had it only work just barely but not properly." She said. Jerry nodded as he casually notes that down. Cory meanwhile, stared in silent dumbfoundery.

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