Sean Wolfenhein, The Were-Pire

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Sean jumped out and towards them. Quickly, they got out of his way. But the moment he landed, he laid his eyes on Cory, who was taking out his flintlock. He looks up at Sean and saw that he was now staring at him with those pink, sharp eyes.

"Uh oh." Cory said, knowing that he's targetted. Sean smirked before he jumped up and towards Cory, pouncing onto him. He dropped his gun from the sudden impact of Sean pouncing onto him.

"Cory!" Hooper yelled to him as he began to uncoil the chains wrapped firmly on both of his arms. Cory screamed as Sean pinned him down.

"GAAAH! Uhhhhh...good boy?" Cory said, voice sorta shaky. Sean stared at him with disappointment yet a slight tinge of confusion

"...What the he-" before he could finish, chains suddenly coiled around his neck, wrapping and soon tightening. He yelped as he was then dragged off of Cory by the sheer strength of Hooper.

"Not today ya darn were-pire!" Hooper said before throwing the were-pire into a tree. He growled as he slowly rose up from the tree that he left a harsh dent in before jumping towards Hooper. Hooper immediately began dodging, which left time for the others to attack. Triana unsheathed her dual blades as Jerry pulled out his hunter axe, which had a temporary handle made of bundled sticks. Bloom raised his hands before they both went on fire while Cory immediately jumped for his flintlock. He then retrieved his flintlock and began shooting at Sean, some of the bullets fired missing the target. Triana then dashed forward and began slashing at Sean, who immediately noticed and shifted her attention to her. He dashed towards her as she backed away, causing Hooper to almost be dragged along.

"whoAAAA-" Hooper screamed as he was dragged along by the were-pire.

"Hooper!" Cory yelled out as he ran to Hooper's chain, reaching his hand out for it. Cory then successfully grasps the chain. Hooper soon manages to regain his footing

"On three!" Cory said. Hooper nodded before the two attempted to pull away Sean, allowing the two advanced vampires to attack Sean and for Triana to get away just in time. Bloom clawed at him with his fire claws as Jerry slished and slashed at Sean's flesh. Sean yelped out before snarling and looking at Cory and Hooper. Suddenly, he rose into a bipedal stance. Jerry and Bloom backed away and stared up at Sean, who now towers over them. Sean raised both of his claws before striking down into the ground, causing the two to jump away and dodge. Hooper and Cory were unfortunate and got sent flying into a tree, alongside the chains wrapping around the both of them and the tree, rendering them trapped.

"AGH!" Cory yelled out as Sean removed the chains off of his neck, revealing a chain-shaped scar. He looked at Jerry as he tossed the chains aside and towards the trapped Hooper and Cory before dashing towards them. But as Jerry took a step forward, Bloom immediately grabs Jerry and pushed him away before flames shot out from the ground and in front of Sean. He backed away, staring down at them as Jerry moved over to Bloom's side.

"If you're fighting Jerry then might as well fight with me, too!" Bloom said as the fires slowly dissipated. Sean stared at him before raising his claws to slash at them. Jerry moved aside and began to attack at the side while Bloom began to claw him.

"Agh- If only Cory was able to shoot Sean then this would have been easier!" Jerry said as he hacked away. That gave Bloom an idea.

"Jerry, get away for a moment!" Bloom said. Jerry looks at him as he stopped attacking and moved away from Sean, confused.

"H-huh? But-"

"Just trust me on this one!" Bloom said with confidence. Jerry stared before he nodded and slowly backed away to help Hooper and Cory remove the chains. Sean trailed his eyes at Jerry before looking back at Bloom.

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