Where Is Bloom?

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The team was looking around the lab, meanwhile trying to not look suspicious to not draw any attention from the scientists to them. Cory was looking at the specimens of animals infected with the advanced virus, trying to not be amazed but failing to contain his emotions. Triana and Hooper were silently walking alongside the lab's bench side tables, looking for anything that might lead to what the virus was. Jerry was with Bloom, walking down the cleanest-looking hallway, with some rather cheesy motivational poster.

"Well, we're still stumped on trying to figure out how this virus was created. After all, Triana and Hooper haven't found anything that might be related to the virus, and Cory's distracted by the vampire animals kept here! Those poor creatures.." Jerry said as he walked alongside Bloom, who simply shrugged nonchalantly.

"I guess all of us have to keep looking. Maybe we'll have to use your great sense of smell to cover more ground." Bloom said. Jerry simply nodded.

"If we have to that is. But for now, it seems-" As Jerry continued talking, suggesting a few ideas, Bloom noticed something from the corner of his eye. He momentarily stopped to look at what was there. What he saw was a wall, but a rather odd one at that. The grooves were slightly bigger, deeper and darker than the other grooves of the walls they had passed by. He stared at it for a bit before he slowly walked over to it and placed his hands on the wall, pushing it firmly. Before he knew it, the wall suddenly spun, which caused him to fall through. He cried out but was unfortunately not heard by his pal, Jerry.

"-Or maybe we should just regroup with the rest, see what the rest have found...no, that doesn't sound right, it'd be too early! Right, Bloom?" Jerry asked, but there was no reply. Confused, he turned around to see if Bloom had stopped or was distracted by something. However, he saw that nobody was there.

"...Bloom?" He called out as scientists walked by, heading to their destinations and having short conversations with other scientists like it was a normal and peaceful day.

Bloom was tumbling down a long set of stairs, which seemed to descend further and further into the darkness. He screamed as he flailed his arms and legs slightly, desperately trying to stop himself from continuously tumbling down the stairs. Alas, it all ended as Bloom landed on the cold, hard floor, lightly ricocheting and landing further from where he had originally landed. Bloom groaned as he slowly got up, gently rubbing his head.

"Augh, that was long...good thing I have regeneration if I broke any of my bones." Bloom muttered to himself as he looked up and around in the room he had dropped in. It was incredibly dark, so Bloom lit a single flame onto his hand before stretching his arm out. However, there was nothing in sight, only more of the floor that seems to stretch out endlessly. He stared before he took a step forward and began walking. He wasn't sure where he was stepping, since he still hasn't obtained Night Vision after all these years.

"If only I had Night Vision, then navigating this bloody place wouldn't be as hard as-" Just then, he bumps into the wall which cuts him off but something seemed off. Why, of course, the walls were missing some rather aligned vertical, hollowed-out lines. He raised the flame only to see some heavily reinforced iron bars in front of him.

"What the..." He muttered to himself, perplexed as he slowly raised his flame closer to the bars. When he did, a vampire suddenly jumps out towards him, hissing and growling menacingly. Bloom yelped as he jumped away from their claws, shocked.

"OH MY VISIO AETERNAE- wait." He realized something as he stared at the vampire, taking a slight glance at their eyes. They were coloured Rose and were sharp as if they had been starved of blood for decades or carried some sort of grudge against Bloom. He looked at their hand and saw that it was burning, making sizzling noises.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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