Prologue Session#1/2

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Song opening: Ophelia

By: The Lumineers

Year: 2071

Planet: the outer orbit of Jupiter

???'s P.O.V.

It was supposed to be an easy bounty. But no, those fools wouldn't surrender peacefully! And then Faye had to escalate things further, causing our ship to be knocked out of orbit! I swear, she's more trouble than any bounty's worth. How she could be valued at 6,000,000 woolongs is beyond me; those people really need to check their vision!

Lying on my back with a half-smoked cigarette between my lips, two weeks have passed, and our food supplies are depleted. Faye's complaints echo through the halls about maintaining her "figure." It's exasperating—why must all women be like that? Perhaps if I shut my eyes, I might awaken to Jet rousing me to finally get some food.

It was only when someone cried out from behind me, like a ghost, that my body flew up due to the zero-gravity, causing me to bump my head. 

"Ship! Ship! Edward spots a medical ship.~"

Rubbing my nose, I look out the window and see she wasn't lying. Edward might be an oddball, but she energizes us in her own uniquely weird way. Meanwhile, Jet and Faye are already at the transfer port, which is opening up. 

Edward quickly scanned the area, noting the absence of any living humans. "Works for me," I muttered, loading my gun as a precaution. I rendezvoused with Jet, Faye, and Edward, while Ein, our four-legged companion, tagged along to investigate the deserted ship. A corgi, if I recall correctly—not that I care, given my disdain for dogs. Faye wore a sly grin, likening the venture to a shopping spree for her appetite. I rolled my eyes, knowing that as long as there's meat involved, she'll do as she pleases. 

Boarding the ship, I shoved my hands into my pockets as Edward and Ein trailed behind. I tuned out Ed's peculiar babble. Reaching what appeared to be the storage unit, I was taken aback by the chaos inside. Papers littered the floor, amidst broken glass and damaged equipment. Dust blanketed every surface, wires dangled precariously, and a few lights clung to the ceiling. Caution was necessary with every step. 

I couldn't fathom how the facility was still generating power; perhaps there was a concealed backup generator

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I couldn't fathom how the facility was still generating power; perhaps there was a concealed backup generator. Edward was true to her nature, curling into a ball and rolling down the corridor. Whistling my way through the hallway, Ein was following closely behind Edward and me. I won't lie; I was eager to find some meat in this place—hopefully, it hadn't surpassed its expiration date. 

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