Session #5 (Part One): I don't dance...

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"Okay. Everyone set?"


"Edward is ready-ready. ~"

" can people wear these...damn suits...!"

"Spike! Quit playing around."

"...Uh. Fine, here..."

"What about you, rookie?"

Faye was right across from the building next to where Spike, Jet, and (Y/n) were at as a grand gala party was taking place. Using her bounty gear to look through Edward and Ein were with her as Edward was the hacker for their next bounty. Spotting Spike as he was wearing a tux went is something he is not used to wear. Jet was trying to blend in with the crowd.

"Gotta say Cowboy. ~ You clean up nice."

"...Don't push it Faye... This bounty better be worth it..."

Spike couldn't seem to get comfortable not matter how hard he tried fixing himself. Faye purred in annoyance at how Spike was drawing more attention.

"Spike...! Stop that. Remember the more you do that, the more out of place you're going to be."

Jet playing along smiled through some people quickly radioed Faye.

"...Remind us again, why you're over there and WE'RE going the work. AGAIN?"

"Look, I already told you why. Hey, I'm letting you guys have 10 percent more. Don't I at least get SOME credit...and why aren't you copying Rookie...!"

"Faye, cut (Y/n) some slack this is HER FIRST time on the field... Don't blame her for having cold feet..."

"Hey...! I rent her that dress and I am not paying for it...she BETTER show up...!"

Spike was so close to just calling it quits too, it's bad enough he has to come to this high class arrogant, nasty, snobs born with money party. But he has to wear this ridiculous tux...for a stupid bounty. Ignoring the gossip between Jet and Faye. Edward radioed in making everyone stop.

"Here he comes. ~~ Edward spies with her hacky eyes the 15 million bounty. ~~ He is coming from the northern side of the building where the dance floor is. ~ Good lucky Spikey-Spike. ~"

Wearing a crooked smile Spike radioed Ed thanks as he peaked through the crowd spotting the largest bounty they have ever seen on "Big Shots". There wasn't much information on the guy all Faye knew was he was tall, dark, ridiculously handsome, but smart like a whip.

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