Chapter 1.1

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"I recommend the Netflix and Chill one." A woman says pointing at the Ben & Jerry.

"Oh hi, is it good?" I ask the woman turning to her and seeing her with a teenage boy.

"It is, you should definitely get it." She says with a smile.

"Then I will get it, thank you miss." I say with a nod and a smile of my own and get the ice cream from the shelf.

"I'm May and this is Peter, it's nice to meet you." She introduces.

"I'm Alex, it's nice to meet you both too. Well I shall get going, thanks for helping me choose with the ice cream." I introduce.

"It was my genuine pleasure, we shall get going too." She says and grabs Peter's hand.

"Yes ofcourse, have a nice evening." I say and give Peter a fist bump.

"Have a nice evening Alex." She says and walks away.

"She was hot." Venom says in my head.

"Indeed, she was." I say and let out a laugh.

I walk away from the ice cream and go to the candy aisle, getting my favorite candy, chocolate for Venom and going to the cash register after I'm done. I stand in line seeing May and Peter in front of me. May turns around and smiles at me making me return it. I pay for my stuff and walk out of the store seeing someone next to my car.

"What the hell." I mumble and walk towards my car.

"Alex Brock, I need you to come with me." Says a man, short, blue/greyish eyes and in a suit.

"Fuck off." I tell him with a sarcastic smile and I push him away.

"I'm here on behalf of SHIELD." He tells me, showing me his batch.

"Congratulations." I nod and open my door.

"It's urgent. Fury requested you and we need you." He informs me.

"Cool." I say get in my car. I wanna close my door but he holds it open.

"Don't touch that, it was an expensive car dude." I tell him and he lets it go.

"Will you please come with me? We can really use your help." He pleads making me laugh.

"Can I bite his head off?" Venom asks in my head.

"No Venom, you can't bite his head off." I laugh and look up at the man to see him looking at me with a frightened look.

"Fine." Venom says.

"And I don't even know your name." I tell the man.

"Agent Phil Coulson, it's a pleasure to meet you." He says, he holds his hand up and I shake it.

"Well agent, what will I get if I come with you?" I ask him.

"Anything you want." He tells me.

"Anything?" I ask him to be sure and Phil nods.

"Anything." He confirms

"Well, I was already gonna come with you but I just wanted to play a little game with you." I laugh and he smiles.

"Good, now let's go!" He says and I get out of my car, locking it.

"You said anything, so can you hold 1 of my grocery bags?" I ask him and he nods making me hand him one.


"We're about 40 minutes out from home base, sir." The pilot says to Phil. He stands up and walks towards Steve Rogers aka Captain America himself and me.

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