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As soon as I got there. I frantically called luca. No answer.

They've got him.

I turn to Ciccudo. "They've got Luca and alberto."

"How are you sure?", he asks.

I point to my phone. Lucas location showing me he's at a tall building surrounded by water. The one ercole told me about.

"Well let's go!!!", Ciccudo says running down the street.


I watched ercole as he paced in front of me and alberto.

"You guys ready."

Silence. Nothing but silence.

Ercole doesn't like this, as he punches Alberto in the stomach.

"Aagh!!", Alberto says sinking his head down to his chest.

"STOP!", I yell.

Ercole freezes looking at me.

"And what are you gonna do about it? You couldn't stop me the first time I almost killed your precious little alberto?"

I pause...he was right. Alberto almost got killed last time because of me..

"Stop. Luca don't let him get to yo-"

Alberto quickly stops talking.

"LET ME GO", a girls voice yelled. "GET OFF ME!!! GET OFF!"


Suddenly the door to our room swings open. Cullen is holding Giulia, her nose bleeding. While Chris is holding Ciccudo.

Im sorry, giulia mouths to me.

"We ready for the show?", ercole asks.

Chris and Cullen just chuckle. Luke stays silent.

"I SAID ARE WE READY FOR THE SHOW!?", ercole yells in Luke's face.

"Yes...sir.",he says.

"Good. Now grab those two and let's get to the top of the building."


The warm summer air hits my face as we exit the door. Were on the roof of the building.

Were no longer tied up.

I look at alberto who seems to be on the same page as me.

I elbow Chris in the face, he immediately let's go yelling in pain.

While alberto knees Cullen, getting free from his grasp.

Ciccudo, whips around and punches luke in the face, who falls to the ground in agony.

"STOP", ercole yells.

We turn to face him, he's got a gun against giulias temple.

"*NO!* *STOP!* *DONT PLEASE!*", me and alberto yell.

We turn around to see Chris and Cullen walking towards us, but Luke and Ciccudo are gone.

They quickly grab us. We struggle to get free.

Ercole chuckles evily. "YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!!"

He motions for chris to bring me to him.

Chris grabs Giulia, as Ercole then puts the gun to my head.

"NO ERCOLE STOP NO!", Alberto yells trying to get free from Cullen.

Ercole fires the gun. I close my eyes tightly. But I didn't feel any pain?

"ALBERTO!", I hear giulia yell.

I open my eyes to alberto on his knees crying in pain.

"ERCOLE PLEASE STOP.", I beg desperately wanting to go help alberto.

Ercole turns me to face him. "Bye bye luca."

I hear giulia yelling. I hear more gunshots

Ercole leans me over the edge. I quickly feel hands push me out of the way.

As I fall I watch alberto fall over the edge with ercole.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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