The Beginning (1)

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  Madelyn Parker, a teenager from Queens, was getting herself ready for school. "I swear to god if I mess up this liner one more time I will.." Madelyn was cut off when her aunt May walked into her room. "Good Morning Madelyn" May said and flopped herself onto Madelyn's bed. "Hey May" She spoke while slowly drew the liner around her eye.

"How was the date last night?" Madelyn asked. "Boring. He kept going on about fishing in the Hudson." May spoke. "I don't think you're ready for that." Madelyn spoke. "I don't think i'm ready for that either" May spoke.

May stood rolled off the bed with a thump. Madelyn cheered because her eye liner was perfect. "You need to get to school" May said from the ground. "Right. Ok. I love you and don't go out with that guy again" Madelyn said quickly. She kissed May on the cheek and ran out the door.

Madelyn made it on the bus and was off to school. Her day was long and boring. She wanted nothing more than to go home and watch movies with May. That was until 5th period. Madelyn got called to the principles office.

"Miss Parker your aunt is waiting outside for you" The principle spoke. "Oh. Ok" Madelyn said. "We are sending you home" The principle said. "May I ask why?" Madelyn asked. "You're shirt. It is not appropriate for school" The principle spoke. "Oh well. Are my boobs offending you?" Madelyn asked. "Miss Parker you are a bright girl. You have so much potential. Why can't you dress modestly?" The principle asked. "I like to show a little skin. I will see you tomorrow" Madelyn spoke. She grabbed her bag off the ground and walked out to the car where May was waiting for her.

"So your top?" May asked when Madelyn climbed into the car. "Apparently" Madelyn said. "Mads you knew they were going to send you home" May spoke. "Exactly May" Madelyn said. "I feel like I need to discipline you, but your grades are excellent so i guess you are off the hook" May said. Madelyn smiled.

When May and Madelyn got home she climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her head. She had been having a weird feeling in her chest all day, like something bad was going to happen.

She was having enough of this weird feeling and decided to distract herself by clicking on the TV. When she reached for the remote something shot out and grabbed the remote.

"What the fuck?" Madelyn asked and looked behind her.  Nothing was there. "Was that me?" She whispered to herself. She reached for the lamp on the table beside her. The same thing shot out and knocked the lamp to the floor, shattering it.

"Holy Shit" Madelyn whispered while analyzing her had. "Mads? Everything ok up there?" May yelled. "Yah yah. I'm good" Madelyn hollered. "Ok hun" May spoke.

Madelyn rushed out of bed and looked at the remote. She grabbed it and it stuck to her hand. "What the hell is this?" She whispered to herself.

She spent a few more minutes looking and poking at the remote. She decided to test it again. She reached for the book across the room. The same substance shot out, but this time she grabbed it before it could get out of reach. She pulled back and the book came flying at her. She quickly ducked.

"Woah" She said giggling. She was looking at the stuff on the book. She came to the conclusion that it was web, like from a spider. She jumped for the ceiling to see if she would stick. She did. She was laughing as she crawled around on the ceiling.

~~ A year time skip ~~

Madelyn had become a sight to see in New York City. Everyone would watch her as she swung from building to building. She would fight criminals with her discovered strength. She even made herself a suit to hide her identity. The suit was red and blue with a spider in the middle of the chest.

The city had begun to call her Spider-Man. She liked the idea that they thought she was a male because nobody would suspect her.

May walked into Madelyn's room early on a saturday morning. "Mads have you seen the news?" May asked. "What are you talking about?" Madelyn asked groggily from her bed.

"Look" May said and turned on the news, The Daily Bugle turning on. Madelyn looked up and saw a huge building on fire. "Oh shit" Madelyn said. "It looks bad" May said. "Yah it does. I actually am not feeling too good" Madelyn said. "Do you need anything?" May asked. "Yah lots and lots of uninterrupted rest" Madelyn said. "Ok. Well let me know if you need anything." May spoke and left Madelyn's room.

Madelyn threw on her suit and climbed out of her window. She swung from building to building until she got to the one that was on fire.

She landed on the street next to a group of people. "Spider-man's here" The group started to cheer. "Um-" Madelyn started. "Um- i'm gonna try to help" She said making her voice deeper to sound like a man.

"There is a little boy on the 5th floor" Some yelled. She ran at the building. She shot her webs up and swung into a window on the fifth floor. Her mask was making it hard for her to see. She pulled it up and to find the boy. She found him in a closet. "Hey dude" She said. "Don't be scared" She tried to comfort the boy. "I'm gonna get you out of here" She said. "But you're not a boy" The boy whispered. "Let's keep that a secret between us" She smiled and grabbed the boy. She got to the window she busted in through and pulled her mask back down. She wrapped the boy in her arms and jumped back down to the street.

"Our baby" The boy's parents came running over. "Thank you Spider-Man" The parents said. "It's no problem" Madelyn said, making her voice deeper. The little boy grabbed her hand. He pulled her down to him. "Thank you Spider-girl" The boy whispered. "It's not problem little man" She said. She looked up and saw the Daily Bugle car driving towards her. She quickly shot her webs and swung off into the city. She was rushing to get back to her room before May realized she was gone.

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