Wait What? (4)

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Madelyn jumped back into action. She flew off the edge and saw Peter 1 had caught MJ. Madelyn took a deep breath swung back up to the top. She landed next to Peter 3. Peter 2 and Peter 1 landed next to them. Electro was standing in front of them. Doctor Octavius was climbing up the statue. "Didn't you already cure him?" Madelyn whispered. "Yah" Peter 3 answered.

Doc stood in front of them. He used his octopus arms to hold electro in place. He grabbed the arc reactor off of him and clicked on the cure. Electro slowly floated to the ground.

"Something feels weird" He said. "You're going home" Doc said. "Thanks Doc" Peter 3 said. "That sounds like something from Bugs Bunny" Madelyn chuckled. "Not now" Peter 1 and 2 said at the same time. Madelyn just nodded and wiped the smile off her face. "Just the elf now" Madelyn said. "You got the lizard?" Peter 2 asked. "Yup. All by myself too" Madelyn spoke with a wide smile. "Lets find the Goblin" Peter 1 said. "I call him" Peter 3 said and jumped off the statue.

"Why does he get him?" Madelyn asked. "I think he was the reason his Aunt May died" Peter 2 said. "Maybe we should go help" Madelyn said. "That's smart" Peter 1 said. All 3 of them jumped off the statue. They searched for Peter and the Goblin. Madelyn spotted them.

Peter was about to smash the goblin with the glider. "Found them" Madelyn hollered and swung down. Peter 2 swung faster and landed in front of the Goblin before Peter could smash him.  He caught the glider.

Peter 3 had a look of shock on his face. Peter 2 just looked at him, holding back the glider. Peter 3 let go of the glider. As Peter 2 was about to stand up He was stabbed in the back. He fell to the ground next to the goblin. Madelyn yelled and used her webs to get the cure and stabbed it into the goblins neck.

She was standing over the goblin breathless. He just looked at her. "What have I done?" He asked. "Enough" Madelyn answered and stood away from him.

"Peter get up here" Dr. Strange called from the top of the statue. "I have to go" Peter 3 said before jumping up and swinging himself to Dr. Strange.

"Who's that guy?" Madelyn asked. "He is the wizard who is going to fix this" Peter 1 said. He was helping Peter 2 stand up. "Oh that's perfect" Madelyn said. "Oh shit wait are you ok?" Madelyn asked Peter 2. "Yah i've been stabbed in the back before" He answered. Madelyn just nodded slightly and went to check his wound.

"You think you can clean it up when you get home?" Madelyn asked. "Yah. No sweat. It doesnt even hurt" Peter 2 said. "Wow what a champ" Peter 1 said. Madelyn heard the sky cackle and Peter 3 land in front of them. "You guys are about to go home. So this is goodbye" Peter 3 said. "I just wanted to say thank you for your help. It was cool to meet the other spidermen and spidergirk from another universe" Peter 3 said, with tears in his eyes.

"It was good to meet you too Peter" Madelyn said and hugged him. Peter 1 and 2 hugged him. "We will see you around" Peter 2 said. Peter 1 laughed. "I'm gonna go talk to my friends" Peter 3 spoke and jumped off. "I guess we will see eachother around. Maybe you guys can come to my universe next time" Madelyn said jokingly. Peter 1 and 2 just looked at her. "Right not the time for jokes" She said before pulling them both in a hug. She stepped back from the hug and looked at them. Peter 1 pulled her in and kissed her. When they pulled apart the 2 Peter's were gone.

"Wait what?" Madelyn asked herself. "Am I supposed to be here?" Madelyn asked herself again. She looked around and saw Peter 3 come back from the top of the statue.

"Peter" Madelyn hollered. He looked over at her. He was shocked she was still there. He swung over to her. "Madelyn what are you still doing here?" Peter asked. "I was going to ask you that" Madelyn said. "Ok Um I dont know. But nobody knows im spiderman anymore so we need to go somewhere" He said. His words were rushed. "Put your mask on" Peter said, pulling her mask over her head.

"Follow me" Peter said, securing his mask and jumping off. Madelyn followed him. They landed at his old apartment. He climbed down the outside of the building and opened the window. Madelyn crawled in after him. Peter closed the window and pulled the curtain down.

"Peter what is going on?" Madelyn asked. "Listen. I have no clue. The magic thing was supposed to send everyone home. I think you may stuck here" Peter said. "What?" Madelyn yelled. "Peter my entire life is at home. My friends, May, my school. Everything Peter" Madelyn yelled at him. "Just please stop yelling" He said.

"I'm sorry. I'm freaking out a little bit" Madelyn said. "I know that. It's just Dr. Strange doesnt know who I am or what happened before the spell was finished" Peter said.

"Ok wait let me map this out real quick. You are telling me the only guy who can get me home has no clue who I am or what i'm doing here and he has no memory of you or anything that happened with the people from other universes?" Madelyn asked. "Yup. That's exactly what i'm telling you" Peter said.

"Ok what about the avengers you were telling us about. Can they help me?" Madelyn asked. "Um most of them are either dead or now live in the woods with their family" Peter said. "Ok so there is nobody in New York who can help us?" Madelyn asked. "Well there might be someone" Peter said. "That's great. who?" Madelyn asked.

"Well there are 2 people who are still alive and still in the city" Peter said. "Well I know one of them is still in the city" He finished. "Great." Madelyn said. "Tomorrow we take a trip to Brooklyn" Peter said. "Brooklyn? Are we trying to get jumped?" Madelyn asked. "We are superheros Madelyn. We can fight them off" Peter said. "Oh yah. I forgot about that" Madelyn said and gave Peter a slight smile. He groaned out of frustration.

He walked out of the room and into the apartment. "Do you want something to eat?" Peter hollered. "Yah" Madelyn said, walking after Peter. "I'm starved after all that fighting" She said. Peter just chucked hid mask on the counter and opened the fridge. It was empty.

"You're kidding" Peter said and slammed the fridge shut. "No food?" Madelyn asked. "Nope" Peter said. "I'm going to find you some clothes and we are going to go and get food" Peter said. "Excellent. Love that idea" Madelyn said and followed Peter back into his room. "Here is a tshirt and sweats" Peter said and chucked her the clothes.

"I survived my trip to NYC" Madelyn read off the shirt. "Just shut up and put it on" Peter said. "Oh ok Mr. Cranky Pants" Madelyn said and pulled her suit off and let it drop to her feet.

"Oh come on" Peter said and slapped his hand over his eyes. "What? Have you never seen a girl naked? You have a girlfriend!" Madelyn exclaimed. "No I havent. MJ and I have never done anything yet" Peter said in a hushed voice.

"Well maybe you need to" Madelyn whispered. "Shut up" Peter said. "Tell me about her" Madelyn said as she slid on the sweatpants, cuffing them to fit her waist. "She's amazing and so beautiful. And she's very smart. She applied to MIT and there is no way she doesnt get in" Peter started rambling. "She is so caring and I love how she wants to keep things on a personal level" Peter kept talking. "And I think I'm in Love with her" He finished. " But she doesnt remember me or who I am or what we had together" He said then turned around. "Great you are dressed. Let me throw on some pants then we will go" Peter said and ushered Madelyn out of his room.

"That was weird" Madelyn said to herself in the hallway outside Peter's room.

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