Oh You're an Angry Elf (3)

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Madelyn and the group of Peter's swung through the streets of New York. Peter 3 suggested they get their plan together in the lab at Midtown High.

The 4 spiders landed in front of the school. Peter 3 went right inside, the others following him. "Where are Ned and MJ?" Madelyn asked. "They are coming" Peter 3 said. "They can't web their way here so you know" Peter 2 spoke.

"Someone's cranky" Madelyn whispered to Peter 1. He laughed a little before following the other Peter's to the lab.

When Madelyn walked in Peter 3 went right to explaining the plan to get rid of the villains.

"We need to cure them" Peter 3 started to explain. "I already got doc, so it is just the other 4" Peter 3 finished explaining. "Well there is 4 of us so it shouldn't be too hard right?" Madelyn asked.

"Have you ever have to fight an evil scientist before?" Peter 1 asked. "Um no" Madelyn answered. "Well it is not gonna be easy I can tell you that" Peter 2 spoke.

"We need to focus. We need to cure them before we send them back to their universe" Peter 3 went back to explaining. "Ok. So I can take the lizard one" Peter 2 spoke. "Great that's awesome" Peter 3 said. Peter 2 went right to gathering the materials necessary to whip up the cure.

"I can take the green elf man thing" Peter 3 spoke. "That leaves me and Madelyn with electro and sandman" Peter 1 spoke. Madelyn looked at him. "Come on we can figure this out" Peter 1 encouraged her. "Yah ok" She spoke and chucked her mask on the table next to the other ones. She quickly threw her hair into a ponytail before grabbing some goggles and getting to work.

Peter 1 watched her as she started to mix chemicals. Madelyn knew how to cure sandman, but she didn't know whether it should an injection or edible. She quickly decided on injection and put together the contraption.

Peter 1 was getting behind because he was watching Madelyn work more than he was actually working.

"Ned, run a diagnostic on this for me" Peter 3 said. His friend jumped right to his feet to help.

"Ok I got the lizard one. Be careful because i dont know what happens of we drop it or something" Peter 2 spoke and laid down his can shaped contraption.

"I have the one for Sandman" Madelyn spoke. "I made it an injection so it doesnt need special care or anything" She spoke. "I finished the one for electro. It should make the energy in his body dispensate" Peter 3 announced. "I am just about FINISHED with the one for the green goblin" Peter 1 said and laid the water bottle contraption on the table.

"Ok perfect. This is going to work" Peter 3 said. "Aunt May told me that this is the right thing to do" Peter 3 said. "I just dont want anybody to get hurt" He finished.

"My uncle Ben told me that with great power.."
Peter 2 was cut off. "Comes great responsibility" Peter 1 finished. "That's what May told me before she.." Peter 3 said and looked down at his feet.

Madelyn walked over to him and hugged him. "We are going to kick their asses and send them home" Madelyn spoke to him. "I can promise you that" She finished. Peter 3 smiled. "Let's go" Peter 3 spoke.

"Do you have a suit or are you gonna fight these dudes dressed as a youth pastor?" Peter 1 asked Peter 2. Peter 2 rolled his eyes and pulled his shirt a little bit to show he was wearing his suit underneath his clothes.

"Excellent. MJ and Ned I need you to protect"
Peter 3 said and handed them some magical looking brain teaser puzzle. "We need to attract them all into one place" Peter 1 spoke. "Well they all want that magical brain puzzle so we can use that to lure then" Madelyn said. "And we can lite them to the statue of liberty. It's best because it is closed right now which means no people we can accidentally kill" Peter 2 suggested.

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