Slow Down (7)

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Bucky and Madelyn walked to a little sushi bar. "This is my favorite place to eat" Bucky said, holding open the door for Madelyn. "Thank you" She said. He nodded. Bucky took a seat at the bar. Madelyn sat next to him.

The bartender walked up to them. She laid two menus in front of them. "Can I get you two started with some drinks?" She asked. "I will have a beer and she will have.." Bucky said looking over to Madelyn. "Just a water please" She said. "Ok. I will bring that right out to you" The bartender said and walked away. "She's pretty. I see why you lime it here" Madelyn said. Bucky chuckled. "You should ask her out" Madelyn said. Bucky looked at her and shook his head. "Come on. You would have fun. And I think it would be good for you" Madelyn said. Bucky shook his head.

The bartender came back with their drinks. She placed the beer in front of Bucky and the water in front of Madelyn. "Hey um my friend here thinks you are very pretty and would like to take you on a date on saturday" Madelyn said. Bucky grumbled at Madelyn. The bartender looked at Bucky and smirked. "I'm off at 10 on saturday just come by after that" She said. Bucky nodded.

When the bartender walked away Bucky kicked Madelyn's shin. "What was that?" He asked. "Oh you're kidding. You were desperate for help. You should be thanking me" Madelyn said. "I'm gonna kill you" He said and picked up the menu. "You can't because im a kid" Madelyn said with a smirk making Bucky give her annoyed glance.

They both looked at the menu. "I say we get the tray of sushi and we share it" Bucky said. "Sounds perfect to me" Madelyn said. Bucky ordered the sushi. "You know once you get past the annoying teen in you, you can be very fun to be around" Bucky said. "Well you have to deal with it for 5 days so better get used to it" Madelyn said. Bucky laughed, shaking his head.

"Tell me more about Wakanda. You touched on it but I am curious" Madelyn said. Bucky told her all about Wakanda. The nickname White Wolf, the children that would come see him. Madelyn laughed when Bucky told her story about the kids throwing sticks at him. "I would throw a stick at you too" She said laughing. Bucky kicked her shin again. "Ow" She said. The bartender brought their sushi to them. "That looks so good" Madelyn said. Bucky handed her a pair of chop sticks and they dug into the food.

By Madelyn's 8th piece she was tapping out. Her stomach was full. Bucky at 17 pieces of sushi. "How can you even fit that in your stomach?" Madelyn asked. "I had a light lunch" Bucky said. Madelyn just laughed as he shoved another piece into his mouth. "You're gonna puke" Madelyn said. Bucky shook his head no. "Slow down" Madelyn warned. He ate one more piece before putting his chop sticks on the tray. "Oh my god I'm so full" Bucky said and rubbed his stomach. "I told you.." Bucky cut Madelyn off. "Don't say it" Bucky spoke. Madelyn just smirked and asked for a to go box.

She loaded the remaining food into the box and stood up. Bucky went to pay the check while she got the box put together.

Bucky walked back to the bar. The bartender was standing there. "I guess I will see you Saturday" She said with a light blush. Bucky nodded. "Yes you will" He said. Madelyn chuckled at them. Bucky grabbed her hand and pulled her out onto the street.

"Is that your first time flirting since the 1940's?" Madelyn asked, still laughing. "If I wasnt about to explode from sushi you would be so dead right now" Bucky spoke.

They walked home, slower because Bucky. It was cold and dark and Madelyn was wearing a short sleeve. Bucky pulled his jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders. "You don't have to do that Bucky" Madelyn said. "No I want to. Plus you look really cold" Bucky said. Madelyn smiled. "Thanks" She said.

She saw Bucky was wearing a long sleeve. He had on gloves that she just realized he had on the whole time. "What's with the gloves?" Madelyn asked.  "You've asked enough questions for one day" Bucky said. "Come on. I just wanna know" Madelyn said. "Madelyn no more questions" Bucky said, stopping on the sidewalk and yelling at her. She was shocked at what happened. The rest of the walk back to the apartment Madelyn stayed silent, not daring to say a word. She was pondering why Bucky yelling at her made her want to cry. Whenever anybody yelled at her back home she would either yell back or completely ignore it. But this time was different. He pulled a whole different reaction that Madelyn had never had before.

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