Chapter 3

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TW- If you're a guy, and you're squeamish about girl stuff, I suggest skipping this part. Start reading again when you see the next bold letters.

Aunt Stephanie held up a pink flowery thing to my chest. It looked vaguely like a shirt, but there was so much lace I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between it and my mother's nightgown.

"You would look so cute in this," Aunt Stephanie said. She looked at Mallory. "Wouldn't she?"

Mallory's blonde-pink curls bounced. "Oh yeah. Totally adorable. But something is missing, I think."

The two studied me for a couple of moments until Aunt Stephanie snapped suddenly. "I know! A new bra. That's what she needs."

I shook my head and backed away. "You are not taking me to get a new bra."

"Yes I am," Aunt Stephanie snapped. She reached for my hand, but I dodged as if I was avoiding a feral cat.

"Why?" Richelle asked.

Aunt Stephanie ignored her.

Boys-if you read it, did it gross you out? Can't say I didn't warn you. For those who didn't, here's the tl;dr. Aunt Stephanie decided to try to make Sadie buy something she didn't want to. In this instance, Sadie is storming out.

I ran, but Aunt Stephanie was right on my heels. "Where do you think you're going, Sadie Grace?"

"To the car," I said simply. I didn't even look back.

"We're not done shopping," Aunt Stephanie said. "You're getting a bra."

"Dad said she didn't have to," I heard Richelle say.

Aunt Stephanie snatched my arm and stared at us incredulously. "You could run around naked for all your dad cares. He's not the one to decide this."

"Neither are you," Richelle snapped.

"Your mother obviously hasn't," Aunt Stephanie said.

"So you should?" I retorted.

"If she hasn't, then yes," Mallory cut in.

I bared my teeth at Mallory.

"Stop it," Gabby snapped. "Stop talking about my parents like they're morons."

Aunt Stephanie stared at Gabby like she was just realizing she could talk. "I didn't-"

"They can do everything you can."

"No, they can't, Gabby."

"They can do everything we want to be done for us."

I took that opportunity to dash out of that horrendous place.

About five minutes later Aunt Stephanie and Mallory arrived. Mallory dropped into the front seat, her face red from embarrassment, looking like she wanted to disappear.

"Sadie, we will talk later," Aunt Stephanie said.

The car ride was silent- absolutely inaudible. Completely.

The car had barely stopped when Gabby and I kicked open the doors.

"Air!" Gabby cried, throwing herself on the ground.

I laughed. Because I could. Despite everything, this was fun. Tormenting Aunt Stephanie and watching my little sister so happy.

Gabby got up, her face glowing with happiness. "Tag, you're it!" she said, touching Richelle and darting away.

"Get back here!" Richelle yelled playfully, chasing after Gabby.

I loved this. I ran after them, giggling like I was eight again.

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