part 2

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Y/n POV:
"Oh crap."
I turn around to face the back of the boy, as my cheeks tint a shade of pink. Suddenly, I feel a harsh nudge on my side, it was my sister. "Looks like someone's got a crush~" she teases. "I don't-" I begin to say. "You do." my sister, s/n interrupts, her face stern. "Worth a shot." I respond in a monotone voice. "Just in case, you have my blessing. Byeee." s/n says, before grabbing a drink and leaving to talk to Dolores. "Wait what- S/n!" I yell after her. S/n turns around to blow a sarcastic kiss at me, then continues to walk elsewhere with Dolores. "Oh my goddd!" I exclaim, prolonging the last part. I could feel my face heating up, as I glance back at Camilo, who's now joined the party. Unexpectedly, his head turns to face me, when I just happened to be looking at him. Surprisingly, he warmly smiles and waves at me, but I quickly turn my head and chug down my Guayaba juice in embarrassment. Although, he starts to walk toward me.

Camilo POV:
Finally finished inviting everyone in, my dad lets me inside. After getting a few drinks, I make my way around the party talking to some guests and family members. I find an empty table to sit at as I eat my food and enjoy my drink. Believe it or not, being the greeter is hard work! An image flashed in my head as I took a bite out of my arepita. It was the girl from the line earlier, she looked so uncomfortable. Her smile was so forced! Did I do something wrong? Was I too close? Did I invade her personal space? What did I do? Deep in thought, I get up to throw my plate away, but the trash can is over flowed with dirty plates and bits of Tia Julieta's cooking. "Great." I look around for another trash can, and suddenly lock eyes with the girl from before. She seemed upset earlier, so I smiled and waved at her. I guess she really liked her drink because she completely ignored me and drank her drink in one sip. Luckly, as she turned away she uncovered a trash can that happened to be behind her. What are the odds!

Word Count : 390

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