part 8

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Camilo POV:
I watched as the girl took what seemed to be her sister outside. Watching from a distance, it looks like they were arguing. You could probably take the hint by the flipping off though. After a few minutes of yelling, they split up. The sister comes back inside while the other faces back to the village. And god damn she looks pissed.

I head towards her and out of the corner of my eye I can see Dolores's bun poking out. "Aye ya aye." Whatever, I have to ask her what happened later. Right now, I have to cheer that mad face up.

I tap the girls shoulder from behind. "Aye señorita, leaving so soon?" I shoot her a smile. She turns around so fast her hair almost hits me in the face. "Yeah sorry, I'm getting tired. I guess." she responds, not looking very tired. "Preciosa, you don't look very tired to me. What's wrong?" 

"Preciosa?" I repeat, in probably the most ignorant voice ever. Where the fuck did that confidence go when I needed it. "What? You have a problem with me calling you that?" he says winking. "🤨" This is not happening. THE Camilo Madrigal is #1 not talking to me right now and I am #2 NOT talking to THE Camilo Madrigal right now. (I wouldn't really call it talking though, more of a one sided conversation.)

Camilo POV:
She shoots me the most confused face I've ever seen. To be honest it was a little funny. Maybe a lot funny. I turn around covering my mouth hoping to muffle my laugh. But it didn't quite work cause my laugh is loud as fuck.

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