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Mom I'm trying
Mom I'm sorry
You're daughter is living through a nightmare
And one that you too had to endure
Mom I'm tired
Mom I can't sleep
Because waking up in puddles of tears has only made me feel weak
Mom the nightmares won't seem to go away
Mom I'm starving
But mom I can't eat
Mom he won't get out of my head
And I realize he only liked me when I was crying or halfway dead
Mom he hurt me
Mom I can't remember
And I know that you know these deceptions were clever
I know you went through it
And I know you know how bad it can be
But mom I'm not surviving this
Mom my brain is attacking me
Mom I'm scared
With one quick move
Or a mention of a name and suddenly I'm too frozen to move
Mom he said he was going to rape me
Mom he said he was going to kill me
And mom I believe him.
False shadows are taunting me
And I see his face pop up randomly
Mom he's stuck in my dreams
And my dreams are memories that are haunting me
Mom I'm scared for my life
Mom I want to die, but I don't
Mom he laughs when he makes me cry
Mom I'm dying inside
Mom this damage in my head is going to kill me far faster than the vape
Mom I'm so exhausted
And mom I'm so sorry
Because I know that this pain too you've had to take

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