Chapter 5: Visiting Chloe

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Katelyn tried her best to avoid Danny or Maria. There were a few close calls during the week but by Friday tensions seemed to have died down. Now that she wasn't being hunted down, she felt much more comfortable walking home by herself.

"Finally the weekend..." Katelyn sighed as she walked back home. "Now to know what that green thing is... I wonder if it's just a theater prop... or maybe it's an stolen artifact like in Laura Croft..."

When Katelyn arrived home, she found her dad washing the car on the driveway.

"Hey Kat, are you ready for your weekend at UCLA?" her dad asked.

Katelyn paused. "Oh fk, I forgot."

Over the summer, Katelyn applied for an overnight visit at UCLA. As a rising senior, she wanted to look around campus to get a feel for what it was like if she applied.

"Yeah Dad, I'll pack tonight. See you inside". She rushed upstairs and started packing. Her cousin, Chloe, invited her to spend time at her dorm while her roommate was away at an away game in San Diego. Katelyn liked her cousin, she was the "cool" cousin who was the life of the party and a really nice and considerate person. "I wonder what Chloe has planned..."


After a five hour roadtrip that started at the crack of dawn, Katelyn finally arrived on campus. Chloe, a perky early-20s blonde, ran to Katelyn's car and hugged her as Katelyn opened her door.

"Hey Kat~ Welcome to UCLA. We're gonna have so much fun!" Chloe shouted.

"Kat, the rest of us will be in the area, call if you need help. In the meantime, we're going to Harry Potter Land. You excited Tommy?" her mom asked.

"We'll pick you up Sunday for brunch. Don't get too wild... hear that Chloe?" Katelyn's dad insisted.

"No problem at all Uncle Matthew. I'll keep Kat safe!" Chloe comforted.

As Katelyn's folks drove off, Chloe and Katelyn headed towards Chloe's dorm. Fortunately, Chloe's only had one other roommate; she got lucky with a dorm without bunk beds.

"So? How's the new school? Your so lucky to be living in Santa Cruz. It's a surf-town after all. I've even started to learn myself."

"I guess it's fine..." Katelyn sighed.

"Lighten up~ Tonight, I'm taking you to a party. Something small, maybe 200-ish people..."

"I don't know... you know I'm not much of a party person. Let alone a university party..." Katelyn countered.

"Oh it'll be fun. Don't you worry about it. Just pick something nice and you'll fit right in with me."

Katelyn reluctantly nodded and started unpacking her suitcase. Upon opening her suitcase, she was shocked to see the mask, face up, in the middle of her clothes. "I don't remember bringing this... what the hell..."

"Oh hey, nice mask. Too bad it's not Mardi Gras themed, but I like the spirit!" Chloe looking longingly at the green mask like it called to her.

"Oh that! That's nothing, it's for a school project. I was working on the way here..." Katelyn lied. She quickly swiped and hid the mask under her pillow.


UCLA Dorms. 8 PM...

While Chloe got prepared in the bathroom, Katelyn kept it simple with a crop top, short jeans, and sandals. Looking at herself with her phone's selfie camera, she felt a self-conscious. This would be her first university party and she felt a bit nervous. Chloe came out of the bathroom wearing a sorority t-shirt and incredibly short jeans. "Let's go~ It's just on the other side of The Hill. I've already pre-gamed and we don't wanna be late!"

"Chloe, do you have a spare key if... I wanted to come back early?"

"Sure. Just take my roommate's key, it's in her lower left drawer."

Katelyn picked up the extra key and walked with Chloe towards the edge of campus. As Katelyn walked with her cousin, she felt butterflies in her stomach. When they got to the house, the men standing guard let Chloe through but Katelyn hesitated to follow her.

"Oh come on Kat, don't be a baaaby~" Chloe slurred.

Chloe continued into the house while Katelyn stayed back outside. Grasping the extra key in her back pocket, she started heading back. Ashamed that she didn't have the courage to go through with it and join her cousin. She felt alone as she got back to the room and just crawled onto bed. She just curled up into a ball trying to muster up the strength to go back to the party and join her cousin.

Unknowingly, the mask slid away from under her pillow and lay right beside her, just a few inches under her forehead.

Katelyn pounded her pillow with her fist which bounced the mask towards her face. The mask wasted no time in latching onto Katelyn and used its tendrils to quickly wrap around her head. Katelyn felt a wave of warmth sweep through her body and started to moan as the mask's rubber tendrils entered her ears and pumped magic only the mask could offer. As the rubber-like texture wrapped around her mouth and her nose, she felt her masked mouth move on it's own to give a wide grin; knowing exactly what this night would offer. In a fit of panic, Katelyn tried to grab her now masked lips and yanked them away from her face but to no avail. Her new lips stretched like taffy but the mask was now fused solidly on her skin with no hope of coming off tonight.

Like before, she spun into a twister while a cloud of dark green smoke filled the dorm. The coarse ridges of the once wooden mask turned smooth. The twister leapt Katelyn's out of bed and resulted in Katelyn standing upright. Only this time, Kandy was now in the driver seat again.

The twister and smoke cloud dissipated and there stood the goddess once again, Kandy. She kept Katelyn's pre-masked clothes but her body matched her physique from her last transformation: a radiant blonde mane, DDD breasts, a perky butt, soft arched feet in sandals, and perfectly pedicured french-tipped toes.

Opening her eyes, her deep emerald eyes darted towards the bathroom as she sauntered towards the mirror above the sink.

Looking at herself, she used her fingers to stroke along her green seamless jawline that separated her old tan self from her new magical persona. Looking upwards, she noticed her lips were full and plump ready for a night of endless make-out sessions. Turning around she saw the disgusting crease peek through her blonde hair and the outline of where the rubbery material ended right above the end of her skull.

"Well hello Tiger..." Kathy exhaled as she posed in the mirror with her hand in her hair. The mask responded with a reassuring squeeze on her cheeks.


What happens if we mix a college party with a masked teen...? 

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