Chapter 22: Finding a Gift

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Katelyn's Driveway. 6 PM.

Danny drove up to Katelyn's home after their first date at the boardwalk.

"See you tomorrow," she said while turning to her new boyfriend for a smooch. The two exchanged a brief kiss and she then leapt out of his car and headed towards her front door; where her mom was standing and waiting. Katelyn saw her mom and slowly paced towards the door slightly embarrassed.

Her mom's expressionless face turned into a smirk as she closed the door behind her daughter.

"I see you found a special someone..." Her mom slyly asked as Katelyn was about to climb the stairs. Katelyn froze in fear. Even though she had the "talk" with her parents they never really condoned dating. Even with her old boyfriend, they had to be pretty sneaky to avoid any suspicion from their parents.

Katelyn turned around and nodded as her face started to redden.

"Well as long as you two don't get into trouble... you don't need to worry about us standing in the way," her mom reassured her. Katelyn breathed a sigh of relief.

But then her mom continued, in a more stern voice, "But if you two start fooling around, at least use prote..."

"Mom! I know, I know, you don't need to tell me again," and with that Katelyn sped to her bedroom; trying to avoid any conversation about the "birds and the bees" with her parents again.


As Katelyn walked into her bedroom, she noticed something from the corner of her eye; or rather someone.

She turned to face her mirror and saw the same mirage that she saw on Danny's sunglasses; her alter-ego was standing there with her arms folded and tapping her foot. It was almost like the masked lady had been waiting patiently until she could meet her counterpart.

Kandy stood tall with her lush green rubbery complexion on top of her smooth hairless head. See wore a jet-black trench coat that covered her entire body; from her torso all the way down to just beneath her thighs. Her feet remained bare but she had little extra ring on her second toe. Even though Kandy wore something over herself, her augmented muscle mass was noticeable even through her loose clothes.

"Took ya long enough," her masked alter-ego said in a teasing tone.

Katelyn stared at her mirror; she couldn't believe that her masked persona was visibly in front of her. Katelyn then quickly closed the door behind her; not wanting to garner attention to the mirage in the mirror.

"Relax~ Nobody else can see me," Kandy reassured her host.

"H-how... why... are you here?" She asked as she slowly sat down on the edge of her bed facing the mirror.

"Well. Since you are able to play with my head, I figure I could mess with yours for a little bit..." Kandy teased as she stuck out her tongue.

"But in the meantime, I'm here for ya! We'll be together no matter what happens..." Kandy started to speak but got interrupted by a text message on Katelyn's phone.

Katelyn picked up her phone; it was a message from Danny.

"Hey wanna come over next week for a Christmas party?"

"You should go. Rather... we should go!" Kandy excitedly said as she hopped up and down.

"No. Halloween was a one time thing," Katelyn said in a dismissing tone.

"Well at least get him a present. He is our bae after all," her alter-ego said with an exaggerated cheshire cat grin on her green face.

"And actually... I know exactly what to get him!" Kandy said as she unbuttoned her trench coat and let it fall to the floor.

Katelyn cupped her mouth with her hand; she was at a lost for words.

Her masked self stood, still hairless, with a neon green ribbon that strung across her chest; holding her enlarged bosom. The tail of the ribbon strung downward over her pelvic region; acting as a string bikini that barely covered her privates. The long ribbon tail curved around her butt and up her smooth tone back towards the mask's crevice where the end of the ribbon's tail lay inside. While the upper part of her body was completely bare, except for the comically sized ribbon, her feet now had on red heels that each had little red bows that tied against her ankles. Kandy struck a pose and then sat down on a chair in the room with her legs wide.

"We can be his prese..." Kandy started to say in a deep tone.

"God no!" Katelyn screamed while still in shock and... awe at her alter-ego's lewd ribbon display.

"But you haven't even seen the best part!" Her masked self said in a childish tone while starting to pull apart the knots on her torso. Katelyn quickly flopped, face first, onto her bed and covered her head with a pillow; attempting to ignore her alter-ego's indecency. While she felt comfortable indulging in small amounts of suggestive behavior when she was in control, she was horrified to see her alter-ego just turn it up to 11.

As she maneuvered, her head hit against a wooden object and she froze in place. She turned her head towards the wooden slab and slowly backed herself to the other edge of her bed.

"Close one," Katelyn sighed; if she just moved a few more inches to the left... Kandy would have gotten her wish.

Kandy pouted as her plan to get her host to wear her bare, without the pesky sister mask, was foiled by a few mere inches.

But then a lightbulb popped into Katelyn's mind. "I know what to get him," Katelyn said to herself. She then pulled out her phone from her pants pocket and checked online to see if it was in stock.

Even though it wasn't halloween anymore, Katelyn knew exactly what to get for Danny; even if it wasn't the real thing...


Find a gift? Lame. Could have became the gift ;)

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