Chapter 27: April Fooled!

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"There, all done~!" Kandy declared as she dropped from an exposed vent in the ceiling onto the stone cold floor with her stiletto heels. As she stood upright, she sauntered towards her boyfriend in her jet-black and form-fitting catsuit that ironically squeaked as she walked.

"Shhh! Not so loud..." Danny whispered as he stood guard to the entrance of the room. "Are you sure about this...? Wait, where did you..."

"And last but not least... April Fools!" Kandy lunged at him and pulled his underwear over his head; giving him a massive wedgie. Danny struggled to stand up straight as the tightening elastic bands in his underwear strained his shoulders and legs.

Kandy snickered to herself as she felt a growing sense of giddiness sweep over her. After last night's round of "hanky-panky", she expressed her desire to come up some fun ideas for April Fools Day. Normally Katelyn wouldn't bother put in the effort to engage in such childish tomfoolery, but her alter-ego salivated in unleashing a series of schemes that Katelyn had repressed ever since she was little. After an hour of cuddling, Danny helped mediate her whacky ideas and shave it down to six they could do in the morning... technically seven, with the inclusion of her last minute wedgie.

When a disgruntled Danny finally reoriented himself, he looked over at the green goddess and let off a gentle sigh. Ever since she unveiled herself to him at the ski resort, he found himself grow increasingly conflicted with his feelings towards her personalities. He noticed that her once moderate and stoic persona started to grow more-and-more unhinged and zany as she continued wearing the mask for longer-and-longer stretches of time. In fact, he recently noticed that she opted to keep her mask on even while she slept which did god knows what to her mental state. And while he didn't openly complain about the daily out-of-this-world booty calls and her unrelenting affection, he did feel that his desires for her were less like a dream come true and more of a granted wish from a monkey's paw. To Danny, he sought for someone who was a healthy mix of chill and fun, but instead her mask revealed her as a flamboyant and unpredictable character who was a handful to deal with. Nevertheless, he stood by her and hoped that his presence would be a way to anchor her evolving personality and steer her towards some semblance of sanity.

"I'm so excited for today~!" She beamed as she went in for a brief but passionate smooch on the lips. He could feel her soft green lips while enjoying the sweet ambrosia tasting lipstick that oozed out of mouth. After a minute of making out, she lifted her clear green head away and sauntered towards the exit.

"Wait! You can't go out looking like that..." Danny protested as Kandy's hand reached out for the door knob.

Kandy froze and felt her pent up giddiness wane. But then she realized that it might be more fun to go incognito and innocently witness her plan unfold along with her classmates.

"Ugh, fine. Let's see here..." Kandy snapped her fingers and whipped herself into a sizable twister that knocked over empty paint cans and whipped up any leaf of loose paper into the shroud of her storm. After a few seconds, the twister subsided and unveiled an average teenager who wore a simple cotton top, some jean shorts, and a pair of expensive Tory Burch sandals. However, there was still one big thing that was left noticeable.

"What about..." Danny asked as he pointed to her hairless neon head.

"You're a buzz kill, ya know that?" Kandy whined as she dug into her cleavage and pulled out a flabby peachy-colored mask that resembled Katelyn. She reached out and put both of her hands inside the sizable neck opening and tugged downwards until it reached just under her jawline. As she tugged downwards, Danny could hear the two masks rub and strain against each other while witnessing the physical manifestation of a tug of war between her original personality and the whacky green character underneath.

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