Chapter 23: Under the Mistletoe

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Danny's House. Christmas Eve. 7 PM.

Ding~ DONG!

Danny scurried through the guesthouse, where his friends all congregated, towards the front door. All his friends, except for one, were here and playing Ping-Pong or Pool with each other.

Danny opened the front door and his face lightened up as he saw Katelyn standing on his porch with an umbrella in one hand and her purse and a bag in the other.

"Wet enough for ya?" Danny joked while he brought her inside and hung up her jacket.

"Beats shoveling snow any day," she retorted at him as she took off her shoes.

"Oh, and here's a present for you..." Katelyn said bashfully as she dug into her bag and handed him a present wrapped in yellow wrapping paper with a green ribbon on top.

"Oh cool. Thanks! I also have a present for ya. But let's open them after dinner, okay?" He suggested.

Katelyn nodded and the two walked towards Danny's guesthouse. As they walked, a soft green glow could be seen emanating from within her purse.


After dinner, Danny's friends booted up their Nintendo Switches and started playing Smash Ultimate. While everyone was busy battling each other, Katelyn and Danny snuck out of the guesthouse and headed towards the living room to exchange their gifts.

The two sat and cuddled together on the couch as they handed each other their presents. Katelyn started by opening Danny's present. She carefully ripped and removed the snowflake adorned wrapping paper and opened the lid of the box. Inside, there was a pair of rather expensive Oakley Ski goggles that had Katelyn's name engraved on the head band.

"Didn't we just talk about this last week?" Katelyn asked while pealing off the plastic on the goggles.

"Yup! I was afraid it wouldn't get here until after New Years but express shipping is really fast," Danny started to explain while helping her put on her newly gifted goggles.

After a few seconds of tightening the band, she pulled out her phone to see herself with them on. The sleek turquoise-green goggles felt comfortable and hid the top part of her face. She moved her head around getting a feel for the tightness around the front of her face and the band that dug into her hair. To Katelyn, the feeling of wearing these goggles weren't too different than wearing the mask... except for the constant tingling sensation and its magic powers.

After a minute of trying her goggles on, she gave Danny a warm hug; giving him her sign of approval. Danny smiled and started to unwrap Katelyn's present. Unlike Katelyn's careful unboxing, he savagely dug into the box and pulled out something that he was, honestly, not expecting.

He lifted up a green object; it had two holes, a mouth piece with a neutral expression, and metal bar on its nose. He turned the mask around and peered inside to see the faux wooden interior with cloth straps.

"It's The Mask, well... a replica of it," she started to say with a rushed tone. "Since you liked my... uh... makeup so much, I figured that I get you something that was inspired from it."

"Umm. Thanks I guess?" Danny stuttered. Deep down inside, Danny had a strange mix of emotions. His infatuation with the green goddess and his recent obsession with that movie made him nervous in front of Katelyn. His hands started to get clammy as he fondled the plastic green inanimate object around in his lap.

"Do you like it? I have one too..." Katelyn started to say but then stopped herself mid-sentence.

"Wait... why did I say that?" She thought to herself.

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