Chapter 6: Jealousy

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"Enough," the figure snapped.

The goddess walked back to the main room; her smooth feet shuffled through the carpet. The sensation of rubbing her bare feet sent tingles through her spine; even mundane sensations were multiplied by the mask.

From Chloe's window, a series of moonbeams streaked into the dorm and gleamed off Kandy's green complexion. The light caused the edge of the mask to tighten as it shimmered and tingled her skull. In her mind, only one word mattered: "bold". Bold to leave the dorm and join her cousin and her friends. Bold to saunter into the heart of the party with leave a memorable mark on the university for the rest of the year; embracing the chaos and smut that might entail.

A slow smile crept on her neon face. She whipped into a quick twister that changed her outfit into something more... revealing. Her gray top morphed into a black patent lace-up crop top, her shorts were now even tighter than before, and a pair of black pointed heels with a lime green heel adorned her arched feet. "Perfect~" Kandy sang.

And with that, the model sped towards the party; the last time Kandy would be seen at Chloe's dorm for the night.


"Hey Chloooe!~" A short haired girl shouted as she entered the home's kitchen. Chloe strolled to her friend and gave her a booty bump.

"Where's your cuz? Thought you wanted to bring her?" the raven haired girl asked.

"Dunno. I think she chickened out. Shame, she really needs to loosen up a bi..."

An audible door slam could be heard within the house and a series of gasps echoed the rooms. In the den, a group of partially inebriated young adults stood still around the newly invited guest; the green goddess herself.

"Whatcha look'n at? I'm here to partyyy~" And with that, the crowd erupted with glee and the music in the room became louder; pushing the limits of the built-in subwoofers. Kandy knew her magic could influence others, with the power to bend reality to Kandy's will; she was the center of the universe tonight.

From the side of the den, a frat boy pointed at Katelyn and hollered at her. "Hey blonde, what's with the makeup?" The boy's gazed was fixed upon her; she was his target for tonight. She turned towards him on a dime and sauntered towards the boy. Her posture perfectly choreographed like a runway model; posture straight, shoulders back and her hands delicate as they sway with her torso. As she stepped towards him, the surrounding drunk students parted her way.

"Oh this little thing?" She pointed at her masked skull. Her pupils glowed as memories of her last adventure as the mask flowed into Kandy's psyche. "It's to make sure a hunk of a man like you..." Her fingers traced up the boy's chest and stepped towards him to enter into an embrace...

"Swoosh~ Slap~" Suddenly the boy's underwear was wrapped over his head and a red streak from Kandy's palm became imprinted on his face. "Know your place~ That's no way to talk to a lady~" And with that, she walked away; the boy still in shock and in awe as his fellow classmates laughing at the compromised frat boy.


Empowering. A dom. She knew her place in this world. Kandy's demeanor completely contrasted from the being under the compressed layers of rubber on her skin. Katelyn's soft, modest persona was now torn apart and shaped into a ball of glitz and glamour; ready to pounce like a tiger on innocent prey. She went into the kitchen and her eyes caught her reflection upon the fridge. The figure's confidence only bolstered with a glint in her jade eyes. But then a certain look swept across her face. One of fleeting doubt and of abrupt horror; Katelyn's psyche was starting to awake. The glint quickly faded while Katelyn's consciousness snapshotted her unrecognizable reflection.

She shook her head. "Not much time," she thought to herself as she felt the edges of her mask pulsate to reassure Kandy.

Standing nearby, a stunned Chloe watched on as the green faced bombshell experienced her first fleeting realization. Chloe stared hazily and felt deja vu as she focused on the figure's jade skull. Kandy spun towards the perky blonde with a smile on her face and sauntered past her only to stop when she heard Chloe gush, "Zac, you made it!"

Kandy turned her head to glance at Chloe's boyfriend, Zac; a chiseled junior with a pair of shorts and a half-hazardly buttoned up shirt that exposed his athletic form underneath. "Bingo," Kandy breathed to herself. She saw Chloe hug her boyfriend and an itching sensation washed over Kandy. Jealousy. It bubbled deep within her from years of watching her cousin introduce countless boys to her whenever she visited Chloe. This time, the tables will turn, for her.

Kandy snuck up to the still hugging couple and gently prodded Chloe's temple with her index fingers; lulling her to sleep. Chloe's grip on her boyfriend loosen as she fell back onto the nearby countertop. Her boyfriend gently laid her down until his girlfriend was horizontally on the countertop. His gaze directed towards Kandy and focused on her emerald appearance that seemed to glow and pulse with enthusiasm. Kandy's jealousy now morphed into lust as she approached the jock. "Hey handsome, do you like what you see? I know I do..." Without sparing a moment, she spun into a twister bringing the young male with her upstairs to mount her prize.

As the twister spun upstairs, it blew threw a room with a couple in the midst of making out. The couple screamed in panic and ran into the hall; leaving Kandy and Zac alone in the dark. Kandy put a green lock on the door and without any hesitation snapped her fingers to make both of their clothes fall away, leaving both in the buff. With the lights off, only the moonlight provided Zac with a view of the approaching lady. Zac's blank stare turned into matching lust as he became hypnotized with the soft green complexion of his new master for the night. Her chiseled form resembled athletes he had hooked up with during away games; unbeknownst to his girlfriend.

"It's just you, me, and my mask," Kandy growled.

"And tonight, we're gonna paint the room green~" And with that the couple laid on the closest bed and fully embraced.


From outside the room, an endless stream of curses and giggling echoed through the other rooms upstairs letting the other couples in the surrounding rooms hear a full symphony of lust that the mask encouraged. As the night went on, curses turned into yelps while giggling turned into prolonged full throated moans. Eventually, literal fireworks could be seen and heard explode within the room as the endless pleasure marathon continued into the morning. To Kandy, that night marked a new milestone that further unlocked deeper desires geared towards influencing the helpless teen underneath the mask.


"Jealousy is a powerful emotion. I had to create a monster if I was going to dethrone a queen." 

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