how they ask you out

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Mike: "soo...? You wanna go to the snowball?"

Will: "what's your favorite place to go..? Jonathan will drive!" (Insert will grabbing your hand)

Lucas: "you wanna go to the mall? Nice.. Let's go." Doesn't specifically say it's a date HA-

Dustin: "wanna go to the park? Great it's a date..?"

Eleven: "wanna go get eggos..?"

Max: "wanna go to the arcade? They have a new game? Yeah it's a date, we're getting snacks after."

Troy: "hey, your going to go on a picnic with me."

James: doesn't say anything just dragged you to a showbiz pizza and entertainment.

Joyce: "hey, would you like to go to dinner with me?"

Jim hopper: "you wanna go out on a date? Enzo's is pretty great."

Johnathan: "hey can you be my model? I'm going out to field at (*****) and I need someone to be my photography model."

Nancy: "hey wanna come over at my place to.. Study?" I think we all know how that ends.

Steve: invites you to his house because his parents are never there.

Billy hargrove: "your coming to a motel with me." Insert Billy dragging you to his car.

Alexei: "Марафон Луни? (Loony toon marathon?)"

Murray: "wanna come inside for a drink?"

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