watching a movie

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The movie you watched - ghost busters

The snacks- pudding and popcorn.

Who you watched with - his younger sister holly.

Did you kiss - no holly was there we gotta keep her innocent.


The movie you watched - et the extraterrestrial.

Snacks - ice cream and chocolate.

Who you watched with- just you two.

Did you kiss- yeah, just a peck though.


The movie you watched- back to the future.

Snacks- chocolate covered popcorn.

Who you watched with- Erica without America :>

Did you kiss- you did and Erica did that "EWWWWWWWW" thing tord you, not bc your gross but because your kissing her "gross" brother.


Movie you watched- grease.

Snacks- soda and popcorn.

Who you watched with- everyone in the theater?

Did you kiss- no, you fell asleep half way thru the film.


Movie you watched- Annie

Snacks- pudding and soda.

Who you watched with- max.

Did you kiss- no, she prefers not to kiss around people.


Movie you watch- friday the thirteenth, bc she a horror girl.

Snacks- a load of popcorn.

Who you watched with- just you two, nobody else likes horror as much as you two do.

Did you kiss- no but you jumped into her arms twice.


Movie you watched- liers moon.

Snacks- popcorn and alcohol.

Who you watched with- Hopper, Murray and Alexei.

Did you kiss- no the other adults don't know your dating besides Murray.


The movie you watched- victor victoria

Snacks- ice cream and alcohol

Who you watched with- just you and him

Did you kiss- yeahh more times then could count.


The movie you watched - star struck

Snacks- chocolate cake

Who you watched with- just you two, will walked by and eyed it a few times.

Did you kiss - twice.


The movie you watched- death trap

Snacks- ice cream and soda

Who you watched with - everyone at the car theater thing

Did you kiss- yeahh that's Normally what happens at those things..


Movie you watched- the shining

Snacks- popcorn and spiked punch

Who you watched with - just him, max walked by a few times eyeing you.

Did you kiss - more times then a human could count.

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