pass the ____ (babe ver)

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"Babe hand me the remote please?"


- awkward glace between you and the guys
-grabs remote slowly
-hands it to you while everyone is gawking.

"Babe can we play d&d?"

- "of cour-"
-intense blushing
-realization that they know
-stupidly cute giggling.

"Babe, can I use your home phone?"


-Erica glaring at him
- intense moment
- "yeah.. -"
-awkward family moment

"Hey babe, your mom home?"


-flips you off embarrassed
-his mom yells at him for flipping you off<3

"Babe, wanna play a game?"


- lil smile
- "sure!"
-unknowingly being adorable.

"Babe can I borrow your-"


-got cut off by step father.
-step father yelled f slur at her
-got stared down by Billy
-apologies from her mother

((if your male disregard that))

"Babe sorry I'm late!"


- "your not late ba- y/n."
-nice and welcoming family.

"Babe you still up for that Halloween party?"

- "yeah"
-Tommy stares at him and gives him a look
-"holy shit your my girl/boyfriend."

"Babe, wanna get food?"


- "sure, don't call me babe."
-corrects you
-kind of blushing.
-max silently making fun of him.

(In the morning)

“babe are you picking el up from school or me?"

- "I am"
-kisses your forehead not remember el was there
-el gasp
-secretly shipping.

"Babe, wanna get slurpees?"


- "cherry/ Вишня?"
-blushing bc you called him 'babe'
-sweet bean.

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