if they were jealous

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Mike: you walked past a couple of high school boys, and Mike being who he is he just shot a nasty glare at them running away when they started chasing him.

Will: he got jealous once or twice in a day, because you were talking to one of the boys in the party alot more then usual, as it turns out they were just sick.

Lucas: he got jealous when he saw Mike "starring at you" but he was just starring at El behind you.

Dustin: he gets jealous all the time and I mean ALL THE TIME, especially at school events, one time troy tried pulling some shit and you turned him down.

Eleven: she didn't understand the feeling at first, she knew it hurt her so she told you, she told you she didn't like how the people you had just passed had stared at you.

Max: she'd beat a bitch if they even so as breathed in your direction funny, shes way over protective but some times it comes in handy.

Joyce: she's and adult and knows she should express her feelings tord that in an appropriate manor, she would just politely tell them your taken and if they proceeded? She'd flip them off.

Hopper: have you met him? If someone even said your name around him he'd flip out, he has anger issues and someone saying or doing something tord you would tick him off.

Jonathan: he'd get jealous of someone and not show it, but he would grab your hand or pick you up to prove your dating to whoever did something to make him jealous.

Steve: he knows your his and he's yours, he'd still be jealous hed just not show it until you got far enough.

Nancy: she'd look at whoever made her jealous and tell them off in an informative manor.

Billy: have you met him? Hed kick ass for you, but if you ask him if it was indeed for you he'd lie and say that guy was his drug dealer or something.

Murray: he owns a gun, best way to take our anger and jealousy.

Alexei: he'd curse at them In Russian until the person who made him jealous walked away

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