caught kissing/holding hands

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Mike: you were caught kissing by holly but she didn't even know your name to tell anyone.

Will: caught holding hands and kissing his cheek by Jonathan, he told Joyce and she was fine with it.

Lucas: Caught kissing by Erica who couldn't care less either way, she didn't tell but she did make fun of Lucas a lot.

Dustin: caught holding and kissing his hand by Mike who walked in at the wrong time, he told the other boys and they agreed to keep it a secret from everyone.

Eleven: caught holding hands by max, she didn't care.

Max: you snuck in thru her window and you were caught kissing by Billy, he didn't say anything about it to the parents, he did give you a threatening look though.

Joyce: caught kissing by will who just didn't really care on one hand while one the other he was excited for an addition to the Byers family.

Hopper: caught by Murray, you were holding his hand and kissing it lightly as a joke when Alexei was introduced, but Murray immediately shipped.

Johnathan: caught kissing his cheek by will who apologized immediately then just ran off without shutting the door.

Steve: caught kissing the one time his parents game home, they yelled at him but didn't mind you at all.

Billy: caught kissing by max and she just turned away immediately (she was in socks so it was easy)

Murray: he lives alone so unless your caught by one of the kids probably not.?

Alexei: you were kissing in the middle of the night at murrays when Murray shot up at hearing Alexei mutter in his Russian, Murray telling him to shut the hell up and just get la-. Yeah.

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