The Golden Guard (Part 5)

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A week or so had passed.

And since then my life had only gotten weirder.

Just the other day I had made a can of soda appear out of basically thin air after thinking that I was thirsty, just this time I could've sworn it had come out of this round floaty shape that had green and black swirls growing through it.

But it was gone just as fast- if it was even there in the first place, so I couldn't really tell.

I sighed and just accepted it.

That had been at-least the 4th time that day.

At this point it was more of an annoying inconvenience then something that shouldn't be humanly possible because I'm- well- human.

"Y/n! Hey! I haven't seen you since the snow day thing, you feelin ok?"

My head snapped up at Ed's words, "o-oh- oh, yea I'm fine now. Just felt a little shaken after the fact but I'm all good now." I smiled, shoving all my thoughts about this new 'ability' or whatever you wanted to call it, down to the back of my mind. I was stressing to much about it. There's nothing I can do about it now.

"Great!" He grinned as Emira suddenly appeared behind him and dragged him off somewhere- saying something about the school library.

I was in town, waiting for eda and Luz to finish up with whatever they were doing.

That's when my eyes travelled to the group of emperor covern guards outside the shop that eda and Luz had just entered.

If it was just that then I wouldn't have bothered to intervene.

But it wasn't.

The next thing I know is I hear a voice that's all to familiar as Eda and Luz get pulled out, saying that the shop owner ripped them off and that they wanted their money.

"Oh my god- they can't go one day- one day for god sakes." I quickly scampered toward them and skidded to a stop in front of the both of them, my sight landing on someone who seemed to be the leader of this entire thing.

A gold mask covering his entire face with slits for eye holes. He had a creamy coloured hood and another robe looking thing overlapping the fabric up his neck then cascading over his shoulders and all the way to his boots.

"Hey- um- officer..?" I said, my voice noticeably going an octave higher.

"Sorry for this- they don't mean it-"

"Yes we do- we want our mone-"

I cut Eda off by shoving my hand against her mouth, them both being held back by guards.

By the look of the situation- Eda had been to prideful to make an escape like I easily knew she could- and Luz following in her footsteps.

"Ok- look- it would be great if you could just let them go- just this once? Please?" I asked sheepishly, shrinking into my shoulders.

The guards body was literally cement as he stared at me. Atleast- I think he was staring at me- the whole 'covering the entire body' suit thing was leaving basically everything to the imagination. I don't even know if its a he.

Expecting a reaction that was the opposite of what I wanted- I winced in anticipation, but suddenly the guards voice- very high pitched and almost girly like- came from behind the mask.


I blinked.



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