Rainstorm (Part 11)

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Hi again

I'm back

Like I promised



To say things have been a mess would be.. an understatement.

After the events of Palisman day, my mind had been a mess. I had completely forgotten about the whole blue magic orby thingys, but now I also had the entire thing with hunter on my mind, and to say it didn't make my head ache, would be a lie. And all that on top of Luz and King entering the Gland Prix, originally I was supposed to be in the race aswell, to give king another chance at getting that interview, but I was disqualified last minute because I had fallen asleep and missed the entire thing.

"How's it goin hoot house!" Hooties voice was an octave that didn't sit right with me this morning, high pitched and annoying instead of the normal happy feeling I got whenever I'd hear hooties voice.

I had barely gotten any sleep last night, or the night before, and my head was killing me.

"Can you keep it dOwn!" I glanced over at king at the sound of his voice crack, half bleary eyed with Luz laying down next to where I was sitting. "DOwN!" King continued, his voice cracking again. "Down! Why does this keep happening?"

"Sounds like our little demon is becoming a de-man!" Hooty chimed in again.

"Ugh! Why does that sound so wrong coming from yOu? YOU!" He let out a sudden frustrated shriek. "I am done with this!" He finally said, before jumping off the couch and scampering away.

Hooty only laughed as king left, and moved over next to Eda. I tried to block out his voice, and eda going on about something to do with the emperor and needing to become powerful or something, I don't even know. I blocked all that out mostly. My head was pounding enough as it is, and I covered my face and closed my eyes. I just wanted sleep. But my brain was moving to fast to do anything but think.

Sigh, I wish I had some kind of pain killers-

My thoughts were interrupted then by a loud horn. My eyes snapped open and I physically flinched, letting out a shriek. And just as eda walked past me, there was a small crack in the air infront of me, and suddenly there was a packet of pain killers landing on my lap.

I dropped my head back and let out a groan. I still hadn't told Luz about what had happened in that cave- or.. atleast what I think had happened. I'm still I little foggy on the details.

Luz sighed and looked up at me a little sympathetically. She was still the only one that knew anything was going on at all, and at this point it had become quite normal. Just yesterday I had made a pineapple plop out of a hole in mid air and land on her head after reminiscing about sponge bob square pants in my sleep deprived state. And to be honest, we were both getting sick of this- whatever it is.

Hooty tilted his, "what's that and where did it come from?" He suddenly asked, I merely shrugged and stood up, grabbing the small box.

"I don't know man, I really don't know." I said, turning away and walking over to the stairs. The last thing I heard as I ran up them, skipping one step at a time, was Luz calling. "Hey can you save me some of those?"


The next few hours were... well to put it lightly, chaotic.

Apparently king can make things explode with his voice, eda can go harpy eda now, and amity and Luz are dating! How magical.

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