Palisman day (Part 9)

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I'm. Back.

Deal with it.

Also I kinda improvised with the Palisman name 👹


"Good tidings on this momentous day! You're all about to receive your witches' staffs, and more importantly, meet your palisman."

Eda smiled brightly as she stood next to our principle with her own Palisman in hand, me standing next to her with Kaida napping on my shoulder, swishing his tail from side to side.

"This is a crucial step in your magical development. Palismen are lifelong partners, they can become both your good friends and a powerful tool. In my case..." principle bump clicked his fingers and we all watched as his Palisman lifted from his head, letting out very long and almost luscious looking raven hair from his head, and at the same time, one of his eyes- just a single eye, closing. Staying shut, and he grabbed the handle that had just materialised from his own Palisman, as every one gasped.

"Frewin here, helps me see."

"Now, traditionally, young witches carve their staffs from the branch of an old Palistrum tree." Eda said smiling, stepping forward.

"But sadly, palistrom trees are becoming more rare. And those that remain are guarded covetously." Bump said.

"Then how did she get hers-!" boscha called out, pointing an accusatory finger in my direction and towards my shoulder where Kaida simply opened one eye to look at her only to close it again in boredom, turning away from her.

Eda and bump looked back towards where I was still standing and I blinked at both of them before chuckling, "no need to get so bent out of shape, boscha." I said, scooping him into my hands and watching as he blearily opened his eyes and looked up at me, his tail swishing a little more enthusiastically. "I'm not Kaidas' first owner. In fact I don't actually know who he originally belonged to. All I know is he needed help, so I helped him. He kinda just stuck around after that." I shrugged, placing him on my head as he bent his long neck downwards to look at me upside down, licking his lips and tilting his head.

boscha huffed and crossed her arms, grumbling something as I chuckled. Kaida letting out a sleepy content sound as he disappeared from my view, and I felt him nestle into my head and start softly sleeping again.

"Anyway..." Eda muttered before she grinned again, lightning the mood, and pointing finger guns in principle bumps direction, "that's why I've teamed up with bumpipoo,"

"Never call me that."

"To bring you-!"

Gasps were heard as the bat queen suddenly came into view, gracefully setting herself atop a large stumpy looking thing that we had all been standing next to.

"Palisman adoption day!" She finished for Eda.

Everyone walked up to all the Palisman that had been set free in a small caged off area, crowding around all the small magical creatures.

"Thanks for the favor, BQ. Here's your whistle back." Eda said cheerily and held the whistle up for the bat queen.

"Save it for another time, this was my pleasure. What a wonderful idea." She answered before looking over eda towards me. "And how is brave Kaida doing? Better, I hope?"

"Oh, yes definitely. A lot better, thank you bat queen. He started flying a while back and you can barely see the crack anymore it's like it was never there!" I answered happily.

"That's good to know." She said politely, turning back towards the students.

"Alright, these little ones have had no homes in many years. They want to feel a connection. Kneel and state your deepest wish, and your like-minded partner will find you." The bat queen said lightly.

One dance~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ