Yesturdays lie (Part 13)

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Im here- please don't kill me I'm here 😭

Omg also- Ur comments 😭 I love your comments, and I promise I do read them all even if I don't respond to them but I love you're comments


"I'm trying to hold it together, I really am- but I have never been this scared before. The demon realm? Magic? How are you both gonna get back here? Is this the only way I can touch you..?"

"I- We just need a little more time! But, if I keep working my hardest, me and y/n- we will make a working portal, I promise!"

"As scary as this is, it really does seem like you've matured."

"Yes! We've learned so much! Staying here was the best decision we've ever made!"

"You.. chose to stay there.?"

"O-oh- uh-"

"Were you trying to live out some witch fantasy?? Did you.. did you hate living with me that much?"

"Mama No! No, not yet- not yet! Mom! I'm being pulled back!"

"Baby- no, no no no no no! When you come back, promise you'll stay here! I didn't mean to push you both away, tell y/n that I'm sorry! And I swear that things will be different!"

"Mom, it's not you, it never was!"

"Promise me Luz, please!"

".. ok mom. I promise."


My eyes snapped open, a gasp ripping through my throat as I sat bolt up right. Covered in a cold sweat and heaving, my breathing hoarse, having to press a hand against my chest to regain my composure enough to suck air in properly.

I was so caught up with whatever was going on in my head, that I hadn't even noticed the frantic movements and rushed voices surrounding me until I was harshly shaken by someone. Snapping me out of my trance.

"Y/n! Finally! You're awake, how do you feel?"

"Mama.." my words were quiet, raspy as my eyes blinked to adjust to the blinding light surrounding me.

Luz still. "What? No, I'm Luz. Y/n?" She asked, worried. Then before I could answer I was slapped in the face by tiny claws and and tiny wings. I scrunched my nose up as kaida hopped around on my chest. My eyes blinked open properly and small happy chirping noises came from kaida, to me tho, he was expressing his relief.

I smiled down at him and ran gentle fingers down his back, but my smile faltered after a moment and I shook my head. "No.. it's not-" I sighed. "I saw mum- I saw her- and you-" I shook my head again and placed my other hand against my forehead. "My head hurts.."

"Kid, are you ok?" Eda's worried face came into my view and I heaved a breathe and nodded.

"I'm fine." I lied. My head was pounding, and my eyes felt painfully sunken in. "What happened-" but then all the memories came back. Hunter, amity, fools blood, titan blood, eclipse lake-


A gasp shot my from throat and I lurched forward, ruffling kaida from where he'd curled up on my stomach, watching me. "Hunter! What happened to Hunter??"

I was going in for the kill.

Luz grabbed my shoulders again, kaida trying to settle again as she pushed me back down. "Y/n, it's ok! He's ok- I think."

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