Delusions (Part 18)

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Y/e/c = your eye colour

Y/h/c = your hair colour





A titan.

A titan?

A titan.

"Kings a titan?!"

"Yeeep!" Luz replied to my slack-jawed face with a nervous chuckle. Her arm around kings shoulders. "He's a Titan."

"Looks like I'm due for a grow-spurt soon.. haha.."


"I cant believe that little guy is gonna turn into that big guy.." Eda said softly. Her arms crossed around the fur coat she was wearing against the cold weather of the knee.

After I had gotten back after everything in latissa, it wasn't even an hour later that we were raided by emperor covern guards. It was a mess. Eda fully expected it though, and had already packed a lot of the essentials. Then it was only a couple days later that Luz showed up with king, saying they were led here by a map- a map Lilith had apparently left for Luz to find.

Now we're here. I hadn't spoken a word about what had happened when I was in latissa. About who had happened.

"It certainly explains his strange new powers." Luz replied. Both her and eda, along with me standing a few paces behind them, watching King stare at the skull of the titan in the distance. "He's Just dealing with so much."

Lilith walked up past me to eda, blocking most of my veiw except a crack between the clawThorne sisters, letting me still see king.

A titan.

Why did that thought make my chest hurt.

Why does that word- the knowledge alone that I'd been living with one this entire time make me so angry?

Why did it make me want to rip the world to shreds?

Titans are supposed to be long extinct creatures. Gone from the world for Millenia. I mean come on, the witches of the boiling isles LIVE on its carcass.

I sighed and closed my eyes. Trying to sought out my thoughts.

Does it have something to do with what belos said in his mind?

"Dear human, you aren't human at all."

Did Luz hear what he said?

Does she know, and she's just not saying anything?

I haven't gotten a chance alone with her since the entire mind thing, I realized as I opened my eyes again. Opening them to see king talking to a snowman.

A snowman called 'Fran-snow-ios' apparently, as Luz ran up to him to help with the collapsing snow man.

Maybe she does know and just isn't saying anything.

And even if that's the case, that's the least of my worries. What about hunter? He didn't say anything at latissa. Maybe he didn't hear either. Or maybe he wasn't saying anything either- for my sanity, or maybe so he could just ignore the entire experience.

He himself isn't what he thought either.

He's not a powerless witch, but a grimmwalker.

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