Coven day parade (Part 14)

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When I said I read all your comments I meant it and I think I regret ever telling you guys 😭


please don't kill me


The last couple days had been a blur. A blur of confusion, of magic, headaches and unexplainable dreams. So. Many. Headaches. I didn't even want to think about the dreams. It was the same thing, every night. A silhouette of a person I've never met before, that deep smooth feminine voice, and those words. Repeated. Over and over again.

I am the first.

I am the first. You will be the last.

My name snapped me from my thoughts, and I look up to see Amity, willow and Gus staring at me from their spots on the school steps. Luz at my side, frowning at me with Ed and Emira looking up from down the stars, confused.


"We were wandering if you wanted to hangout with us tonight-" it was Emira speaking, her hands extended slightly in front of her, palms up. "You doing alright, y/n? You just kinda.. zoned out there."

"I.." I blinked and shook my head. "Yea. Yea, I'm ok. And sure. I'd love to hangout with my favourite pair of twins." I said, forcing a smile and standing up with my things. "I'll meet you at home, Luz."

Amity was the next to speak. "Hey, wait before you go, did you two figure out how to use that titan blood?"

"Did you finish building the door?" That was willow. Gus said something to, but I'd frozen in my spot on the stairs. Staring at Amity. So many things came crashing into my head at once. Eclipse lake, hunter, fools blood, titan blood, and then the story about how I couldn't even touch the portal we had created.


"It.. worked."

"Kind of.." I mumbled, watching Luz approach the misshapen and oddly coloured portal door. Tho the swirls in the centre seemed eerily familiar to me, I couldn't pin it as Luz stopped just before the jagged outline of the portal. I felt more then heard the sharp intake of breathe as she lifted her hand, placed it against the magic swirling and swarming in front of her, and it went right through. "It worked." She repeated.

Slowly, I approached and Luz took a step back to let me in. There was something in my head- something tugging me back, but I ignored it. I glanced at Luz who was watching me with a small smile, but I could tell how uneasy she felt. I sighed and lifted my hand aswell. That tug got harder, but again I ignored it. I really shouldn't have.

As soon as my skin made contact with the magic, a large, stabbing shoot of pain shot all the way up my wrist. I let out a scream of pain as blue light flashed, and lurched back. Holding my wrist. I distantly heard eda and kings worried voices, Luz was already at my side. My head was suddenly pounding, that tug had turned to full on screaming and every limb seemed to flash numb. Then just like that it was gone.

I blinked my eyes open. "What the absolute fuck was that-" I suddenly said, stepping further away from the door. Still holding my wrist.

"I- I don't know, that didn't happen with me!" Luz said, close to panicking.

"Maybe it's a magic thing?" Eda asked, her hands on her hips as she looked to the door. Then back down at me. "Luz didn't get hit by blue floating magic things, now did she?"

"I regret ever telling you what happened that day." I grumbled, dusting myself off and straightening.

"Wait wait, so does that mean she can't go through?"

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